A very simple container to redirect HTTP traffic to another server, based on nginx
SERVER_REDIRECT | Server to redirect to | www.example.com |
SERVER_NAME | Optionally define the server name to listen on, it is useful for capturing variable to use in server_redirect. | ~^www.(?.+).example.com |
SERVER_REDIRECT_PATH | Optionally define path to redirect all requests eg. /landingpage , if not set nginx var $request_uri is used |
SERVER_REDIRECT_SCHEME | Optionally define scheme to redirect to, if not set nginx var $scheme is used |
SERVER_REDIRECT_CODE | Optionally define the http status code to use for redirection, if not set or not in list of allowed codes 301 is used as default, allowed codes are: 301, 302, 303, 307, 308 | |
SERVER_REDIRECT_POST_CODE | Optionally define the http code to use for POST redirection, useful if client should not change the request method from POST to GET, if not set or not in allowed codes SERVER_REDIRECT_CODE is used, so per default all requests will be redirected with the same status code |
SERVER_ACCESS_LOG | Optionally define the location where nginx will write its access log,if not set /dev/stdout is used |
SERVER_ERROR_LOG | Optionally define the location where nginx will write its error log, if not set /dev/stderr is used |
docker run -e SERVER_REDIRECT=www.example.com -p 8888:80 platohq/nginx-redirect
docker run -e SERVER_REDIRECT=www.example.com -e SERVER_REDIRECT_PATH=/landingpage -p 8888:80 platohq/nginx-redirect
docker run -e SERVER_REDIRECT=www.example.com -e SERVER_REDIRECT_PATH=/landingpage -e SERVER_REDIRECT_SCHEME=https -p 8888:80 platohq/nginx-redirect