Welcome to the Planship demo app built with Next.js. This app demonstrates the use of Planship for implementing subscription plans with feature and usage-based entitlements.
This app uses @planship/fetch client library for the server-side calls, and @planship/react context provider on the client side.
Clicker Demo is a hypothetical app that provides its customers with a few simple features, most notably buttons that can be clicked to generate clicks. The app offers three subscription plans, Small, Medium and Large, that provide access to different features and limits on the number of allowed clicks.
All of the pricing logic including subscription management, feature and usage entitlements, and usage metering, is implemented with Planship.
To get started, sign up for Planship and navigate to the default organization automatically created for you. You will then see a Clicker Demo
product and default Planship API credentials.
Next, clone this repository and create a .env
file in the project root directory.
git clone git@github.com:planship/planship-nextjs-demo.git
cd planship-nextjs-demo
touch .env
Then, add your Planship API credentials to the .env
Finally, install all dependencies and run the app.
pnpm install
pnpm dev
To get started with Planship for your own product, check out the Planship integration guide. You may also want to read more about core concepts like feature levers, metered usage, and plans.