Create Metal Gear Solid V emblems and use them as phone and desktop wallpapers.
Make sure you have Docker installed first.
First install the npm packages:
npm install --also=dev
Start up the drawserver, which draws all of the emblems:
Then, start the development server and open http://localhost:8080:
npm start
Make sure you have Docker and Pipenv installed first.
First install the pipenv and node packages:
npm install --dev && pipenv install --dev
These are already part of the repository, but if you want to refresh the assets, run the following commands:
Then, in a separate terminal:
./scripts/ && ./scripts/word-renderer.js
runs a Docker instance of Splash to run the Javascript on webpages visited by the scraper.
Thanks to Kojima Productions and Konami for making MGSV, particularly the Mother Base emblems.