A template for building OpenWrt with GitHub Actions | 使用 GitHub Actions 在线云编译 OpenWrt 固件
将安卓远控Apk附加进普通的App中,运行新生成的App时,普通App正常运行,远控正常上线。Attach the Android remote control APK to a regular app. When the newly generated app is launched, the regular app operates as normal while the remote …
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安卓无障碍服务Api, 为了简化无障碍服务使用,并使用 Kotlin 以提供简洁的Api。
新一代SKRoot,挑战全网root检测手段,跟面具完全不同思路,摆脱面具被检测的弱点,完美隐藏root功能,全程不需要暂停SELinux,实现真正的SELinux 0%触碰,通用性强,通杀所有内核,不需要内核源码,直接patch内核,兼容安卓APP直接JNI调用,稳定、流畅、不闪退。
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Automated CAPTCHA solver for your browser. Works with Selenium, Puppeteer, Playwright, and more.
Allows you to emulate an Android native library, and an experimental iOS emulation
A True Instrumentable Binary Emulation Framework
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Samples for IdentityServer4,use .net core 2.0
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DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for WEB API in Delphi. Supports RESTful and JSON-RPC WEB APIs development.
High Performance TCP/UDP/HTTP Communication Component