The Uniswap API is a set of endpoints used by market aggregators (e.g. to surface Uniswap liquidity and volume information. All information is fetched from the underlying subgraphs.
The API is designed around the CoinMarketCap requirements document.
Prefer the Uniswap subgraph for any Uniswap queries whenever possible.
Uniswap Subgraph:
All Uniswap pairs consist of two different tokens. BNB is not a native currency in Uniswap, and is represented only by WBNB in the pairs.
The canonical WBNB address used by the Uniswap interface is 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c
Returns data for the top ~1000 Uniswap pairs, sorted by reserves. Results are edge cached for 15 minutes.
"0x..._0x...": { // the asset ids of the BEP20 tokens (i.e. token addresses), joined by an underscore
"last_price": "1.234", // denominated in token0/token1
"base_volume": "123.456", // last 24h volume denominated in token0
"quote_volume": "1234.56" // last 24h volume denominated in token1
"pair_liquidity": "1234.56" // Pair liquidity in USD
// ...
Returns the total liquidity in USD value on Uniswap. Results are edge cached for 24 hours.
"result": {
"totalLiquidityUSD": "...", // Total liquidity in USD
Returns the tokens in the top ~1000 pairs on Uniswap, sorted by reserves. Results are edge cached for 24 hours.
// ...,
"0x...": { // the address of the BEP20 token
"name": "...", // not necesssarily included for BEP20 tokens
"symbol": "...", // not necesssarily included for BEP20 tokens
"id": "0x...", // the address of the BEP20 token
"maker_fee": "0", // always 0
"taker_fee": "0.003", // always 0.003 i.e. .3%
// ...
Returns data for the top ~1000 Uniswap pairs, sorted by reserves. Results are edge cached for 1 minute.
"0x..._0x...": { // the asset ids of BNB and BEP20 tokens, joined by an underscore
"base_name": "...", // token0 name
"base_symbol": "...", // token0 symbol
"base_id": "0x...", // token0 address
"quote_name": "...", // token1 name
"quote_symbol": "...", // token1 symbol
"quote_id": "0x...", // token1 address
"last_price": "1.234", // the mid price as token1/token0
"base_volume": "123.456", // denominated in token0
"quote_volume": "1234.56" // denominated in token1
// ...
Returns simulated orderbook data for the given Uniswap pair. Since Uniswap has a continuous orderbook, fixed amounts in an interval are chosen for bids and asks, and prices are derived from the Uniswap formula (accounting for both slippage and fees paid to LPs). Results are edge cached for 15 minutes.
: The asset ids of two BEP20 tokens, joined by an underscore, e.g.0x..._0x...
. The first token address is considered the base in the response.
"timestamp": 1234567, // UNIX timestamp of the response
"bids": [
["12", "1.2"], // denominated in base token, quote token/base token
["12", "1.1"], // denominated in base token, quote token/base token
// ...
"asks": [
["12", "1.3"], // denominated in base token, quote token/base token
["12", "1.4"], // denominated in base token, quote token/base token
// ...
Returns all swaps in the last 24 hours for the given Uniswap pair. Results are edge cached for 15 minutes.
The pair address is the address of the two tokens in either order. The first address is considered the base in the response.
Note because Uniswap supports flash swaps and borrowing of both tokens in a pair, you may wish to exclude these
trade types (types "???"
and "borrow-both"
: The asset ids of two BEP20 tokens, joined by an underscore, e.g.0x..._0x...
. The first token address is considered the base in the response.
"trade_id": "...",
"price": "1.234", // denominated in quote token/base token
"base_volume": "123.456", // denominated in base token
"quote_volume": "1234.56", // denominated in quote token
"trade_timestamp": 1234567, // UNIX timestamp
"type": "buy" // "buy"/"sell"/"borrow-both"/"???"
// ...