- San Francisco, CA
AirForceOne Public
Quartz Composer plug-in to display an image on an AirPlay receiver (Apple TV, etc.)
Cinder-Serial Public
CinderBlock for cross-platform serial communication
Cinder Public
Forked from cinder/CinderCinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
C UpdatedJan 16, 2016 -
Cinder-Pipeline Public
Image pipeline CinderBlock to chain shader-based effectors.
Cinder-CPPFormat Public
Small, safe and fast formatting library C++ Format packaged into a CinderBlock
OSC: Arduino and Teensy implementation of OSC encoding
Max Other UpdatedNov 20, 2015 -
ofxIO Public
Forked from bakercp/ofxIOA collection of I/O core utils including a directory watcher, file filters and ordering.
C++ UpdatedOct 30, 2015 -
Cinder-Encoding Public
SLIP and COBS encode/decode handling CinderBlock
Cinder-UI Public
UI is a minimal & fast library that helps create Debug User Interface Controls
zxcvbn-ios Public
Forked from dropbox/zxcvbn-iosA realistic password strength estimator.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2015 -
Cinder-Sampling Public
Forked from wieden-kennedy/Cinder-SamplingCinder implementation of Sampling
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2015 -
Cinder-ControlRoom Public
CinderBlock to assemble and manage interfaces and controls
Cinder-AppNap Public
CinderBlock to access Activity APIs added in OS X 10.9 to tie into App Nap
OAStackView Public
Forked from nsomar/OAStackViewPorting UIStackView to iOS 7+
Cinder-Forum-Data Public
Exploration in data extraction from the Cinder forum
JavaScript UpdatedJul 24, 2015 -
Screener Public
Display capture published via Syphon for OS X 10.8+
Cinder-Asio Public
Forked from BanTheRewind/Cinder-Asioboost::asio implementation for Cinder
Texturizer Public
Cinder app to demonstrate image conversion to DXT1 or DXT5 compressed DDS file
Cinder-DDS Public
CinderBlock for DXT1, DXT5 and YCoCg-DXT5 image compression and DDS file output
Cinder-NanoVG Public
Forked from notlion/Cinder-NanoVGA C++11 wrapper for NanoVG meant for use with Cinder
C++ UpdatedJun 23, 2015 -
AlamofireObjectMapper Public
Forked from tristanhimmelman/AlamofireObjectMapperAn Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
Swift MIT License UpdatedJun 11, 2015 -
Cinder-ProcessEnvironment Public
CinderBlock for process environment access
Objective-C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 21, 2015 -
ObjectMapper Public
Forked from tristanhimmelman/ObjectMapperJSON Object mapping written in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedMar 20, 2015 -
Adafruit_BLESniffer_Python Public
Forked from adafruit/Adafruit_BLESniffer_PythonPython API for Adafruit's Bluefruit LE Sniffer
C Other UpdatedMar 20, 2015 -
YapDatabase Public
Forked from yapstudios/YapDatabaseYapDatabase is an extensible database for iOS & Mac.
Objective-C Other UpdatedMar 12, 2015 -
CinderOculusDK2 Public
Forked from jhurlbut/CinderOculusDK2Example code for using the DK2 in direct mode with the cinderNext branch
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 13, 2015