address partyA
- The address that will be depositing Ether
address partyB
- The address that will be depositing Tokens
address arbiter
- The address that can lock the contract once both deposits are received.
- The address that can settle a dispute during resolution.
address partyAVote
- The address that
thinks should receive the tokens during resolution.
- The address that
address partyBVote
- The address that
thinks should receive the tokens during resolution.
- The address that
address arbiterVote
- The address that
thinks should receive the tokens during resolution.
- The address that
uint ethDepositMinimum
- The minimum deposit of ether (in wei) that will be accepted.
uint tokenDepositMinimum
- The minimum deposit of Tokens that will be accepted.
uint lockedAt
- The timestamp at which the
locked the contract.
- The timestamp at which the
uint unlockAt
- The timestamp at which point the contract will become unlocked once locked.
address trapdoorA
- The first address of the set of three addresses that can enact the trapdoor.
address trapdoorB
- The second address of the set of three addresses that can enact the trapdoor.
address trapdoorC
- The third address of the set of three addresses that can enact the trapdoor.
mapping (address => bytes32) trapdoorData
- The
of the transaction that is being queued for the trapdoor.
- The
TokenInterface token
- The address of the token contract.
string contractTerms
- A string registered at creation time that indicates what the agreed upon terms are for this contract.
The contract can be in the following states if the listed conditions are met.
- Genesis
- No deposits received.
- Before
- WaitingForEther
- Before
. - Has received the
tokens frompartyB
- Has not received the
ether frompartyA
- Before
- WaitingForTokens
- Before
. - Has not received the
tokens frompartyB
- Has received the
ether frompartyA
- Before
- WaitingForArbiterLock
- Before
. - Has received the
tokens frompartyB
- Has received the
ether frompartyA
- Has not been locked by
- Before
- Locked
- Has received the
tokens frompartyB
- Has received the
ether frompartyA
- Before
. - Has been locked by
- Has received the
- Unlocked
- Has received the
tokens frompartyB
- Has received the
ether frompartyA
- Has been locked by
- At or After
- Has received the
- NeverLocked
- Was not locked by
- At or After
- Was not locked by
At deployment contract is in Genesis state.
When both deposits have been received the contract moves to the WaitingForArbiterLock state.
If the arbiter
never locks the contract and it is on or after unlockAt
contract enters the NeverLocked state.
Anytime prior to the Locked stater or in the NeverLocked state both token and ethere deposits can be refunded.
If the contract is in the WaitingForArbiterLock and the current time is
before the unlockAt
time the arbiter can lock the contract which transitions
it into the Locked state.
Once the current time is on or after unlockAt
, the contract transitions to
the Unlocked state.
The partyB
address can withdraw the deposited ether in both the Locked and
Unlocked states.
Once the contract is in the Unlocked state, any of the arbiter
, partyA
and partyB
may vote on whether partyA
or partyB
should receive the
deposited tokens. Once one of these addresses has at least 2 votes, the tokens
can be withdrawn to that address.
At any point during the contract lifecycle the trapdoor may be enacted by cooperation between at least two of the trapdoor addresses. The trapdoor can send arbitrary transactions from the contract enabling them full access and control over both the ether and tokens.