What did you do?
- TiDB cluster with 3 cdc
- Create mysql sink changefeed
- Pause changefeed
- Run sysbench oltp_update_non_index prepare
sysbench --db-driver=mysql --mysql-host=upstream-tidb.cdc-testbed-tps-1816047-1-21 --mysql-port=4000 --mysql-user=root --mysql-db=workload --tables=100 --table-size=500000 --create_secondary=off --time=3600 --threads=100 oltp_update_non_index prepare
- resume changefeed
- run oltp_update_non_index run, and at the same time inject randon cdc node network loss for 10s every 30 minutes, totally 4 chaos injection is done in 2 hours.
sysbench --db-driver=mysql --mysql-host=upstream-tidb.cdc-testbed-tps-1816047-1-21 --mysql-port=4000 --mysql-user=root --mysql-db=workload --tables=100 --table-size=500000 --create_secondary=off --time=3600 --threads=100 oltp_update_non_index run
- Send finishmark and Wait finishmark sync to downstream
- Do data consistency check b/w upstream and downstream.
What did you expect to see?
Data consistency should pass
What did you see instead?
Data inconsistency seen. One table out of 100 tables in total are inconsistent, only 2 rows are different.
Versions of the cluster
[2023/07/04 23:09:33.079 +00:00] [INFO] [version.go:47] ["Welcome to Change Data Capture (CDC)"] [release-version=v7.3.0-alpha] [git-hash=41fda209483e6d0d94cd5e09ce784b692b2a614a] [git-branch=heads/refs/tags/v7.3.0-alpha] [utc-build-time="2023-07-04 11:03:24"] [go-version="go version go1.20.5 linux/amd64"] [failpoint-build=false]