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More than one row with the same primary key when inject fault #59680




Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

1. Minimal reproduce step (Required)

Deploy 5 tikv nodes, 3 pd nodes and 1 tidb node in K8S.

  1. running transaction workload.
  2. one thread execute: alter table table1 coalesce partition 1;
  3. inject IOChaos.
  4. Recovery before the transaction workload finish.
  5. admin check table but failed.

more details can get from the following files.

in zip:

  • schema_and_init_data: initial schema, state and data.
  • transaction_workload: execute concurrently.
  • ddl_sequence: DDL threads execute during transaction workload.
  • fault_injection: inject network partition.
  • logs: tidb and tikv logs.

After all workload done, table1 schema:

Mysql > show create table table1;
CREATE TABLE `table1` (
  `pkId` int DEFAULT NULL,
  `pkAttr0` int NOT NULL,
  `commonAttr0_0` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `commonAttr1_0` double(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `commonAttr2_0` double(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `commonAttr3_0` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `commonAttr4_0` double(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`pkAttr0`) /*T![clustered_index] NONCLUSTERED */,
  KEY `table1index_pk` (`pkAttr0`)

2. What did you expect to see? (Required)

After all workloads:

mysql> admin check table table1;
-- ok

mysql > select count(*) from table1;
| count(*) |
|       60 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from table1 order by `pkId`;
-- ok (60 rows)

3. What did you see instead (Required)

After all workloads:

mysql> admin check table table1;
-- ERROR 8223 (HY000): data inconsistency in table: table1, index: PRIMARY, handle: 3, index-values:"" != record-values:"handle: 3, values: [KindInt64 26]"

mysql > select count(*) from table1;
| count(*) |
|       60 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from table1 order by `pkId`;
| pkId | pkAttr0 | commonAttr0_0 | commonAttr1_0 | commonAttr2_0 | commonAttr3_0 | commonAttr4_0 |
|    0 |       3 | JgRq          |         95920 |         43560 |      88248.00 |         98193 |
|    1 |       9 | j12t          |         10690 |         42086 |      62601.00 |         43560 |
|    2 |      26 | u             |         10690 |         43560 |       7706.00 |         48231 |
|    2 |      26 | ZEp5z         |         10690 |         43560 |      82107.00 |         31888 |
|    3 |      29 | FLHo          |         43560 |         98193 |      53770.00 |         83204 |
|    4 |      39 | 4TNLwS        |         43560 |         16265 |      36410.00 |         93912 |
|    5 |      45 | K             |         10690 |         48231 |       7706.00 |         16265 |
|    6 |      62 | kKWnE         |         10690 |         16265 |       4874.00 |         95920 |
|    7 |      65 | 6             |         16265 |         95920 |      13677.00 |         31888 |
|    8 |      75 | SHDC6P        |         95920 |         95920 |      57359.00 |         98193 |
|    9 |      81 | vqxl4         |         16265 |         31888 |      14758.00 |         48231 |
|   10 |      96 | 1pOcqj        |         31888 |         31888 |      82377.00 |         93912 |
|   11 |     105 | azyMT         |         83204 |         83204 |      49523.00 |         83204 |
|   12 |     113 | b5Th          |         95920 |         95920 |      51293.00 |         95920 |
|   13 |     122 | WrsIMS        |         98193 |         98193 |      42308.00 |         98193 |
|   14 |     133 | e             |         31888 |         31888 |      52938.00 |         31888 |
|   15 |     141 | k             |         98193 |         98193 |      58418.00 |         98193 |
|   16 |     149 | T3ZnOT5       |         16265 |         16265 |      35129.00 |         16265 |
|   17 |     158 | bpWuQpg       |         10690 |         10690 |      52375.00 |         10690 |
|   18 |     170 | k             |         98193 |         98193 |      58418.00 |         98193 |
|   19 |     178 | AEMrNCH       |         43560 |         43560 |      13677.00 |         43560 |
|   20 |     183 | h5C           |         42086 |         42086 |      53083.00 |         42086 |
|   21 |     193 | jYs           |         95920 |         95920 |      58335.00 |         95920 |
|   22 |     206 | WRC           |         93912 |         93912 |      39486.00 |         93912 |
|   23 |     214 | xkZNejE       |         48231 |         48231 |      89387.00 |         48231 |
|   24 |     219 | 6LVP          |         16265 |         16265 |       8165.00 |         16265 |
|   25 |     229 | UOV3OBh       |         42086 |         42086 |      38101.00 |         42086 |
|   26 |     234 | AEMrNCH       |         43560 |         43560 |      13677.00 |         43560 |
|   27 |     246 | T3ZnOT5       |         16265 |         16265 |      35129.00 |         16265 |
|   28 |     254 | rGJ           |         16265 |         16265 |      77037.00 |         16265 |
|   29 |     269 | vglM          |         10690 |         10690 |      82645.00 |         10690 |
|   30 |     270 | uMta          |         43560 |         43560 |      79459.00 |         43560 |
|   31 |     282 | VsShWkG       |         48231 |         48231 |      38951.00 |         48231 |
|   32 |     290 | 61d           |         10690 |         10690 |       7912.00 |         10690 |
|   33 |     305 | ocLZ          |         83204 |         83204 |      72398.00 |         83204 |
|   34 |     311 | XVaPs         |         16265 |         16265 |      44323.00 |         16265 |
|   35 |     319 | j12t          |         93912 |         93912 |      57359.00 |         93912 |
|   36 |     326 | 1pOcqj        |         16265 |         16265 |       2915.00 |         16265 |
|   37 |     340 | X3            |         10690 |         10690 |      43968.00 |         10690 |
|   38 |     347 | Z6Dpd         |         43560 |         43560 |      48483.00 |         43560 |
|   39 |     355 | xkZNejE       |         48231 |         48231 |      89387.00 |         48231 |
|   40 |     366 | 6LVP          |         16265 |         16265 |       8165.00 |         16265 |
|   41 |     376 | FuKPO         |         48231 |         48231 |      23780.00 |         48231 |
|   42 |     378 | jYs           |         95920 |         95920 |      58335.00 |         95920 |
|   43 |     388 | v             |         93912 |         93912 |      81249.00 |         93912 |
|   44 |     397 | vqxl4         |         16265 |         16265 |      86415.00 |         16265 |
|   45 |     406 | o             |         43560 |         43560 |      67216.00 |         43560 |
|   46 |     414 | JgRq          |         83204 |         83204 |      24076.00 |         83204 |
|   47 |     424 | uMta          |         43560 |         43560 |      79459.00 |         43560 |
|   48 |     434 | 3LBYk         |         43560 |         43560 |       5475.00 |         43560 |
|   49 |     442 | i1uaT         |         48231 |         48231 |      54205.00 |         48231 |
|   50 |     450 | c55ZOh        |         16265 |         16265 |      52765.00 |         16265 |
|   51 |     460 | sbpu          |         31888 |         31888 |      77462.00 |         31888 |
|   52 |     470 | xR53s         |         43560 |         43560 |      88248.00 |         43560 |
|   53 |     478 | xzpfOp        |         93912 |         93912 |      98252.00 |         93912 |
|   54 |     486 | xzpfOp        |         93912 |         93912 |      98252.00 |         93912 |
|   55 |     498 | 5MrFFKP       |         93912 |         93912 |       6147.00 |         93912 |
|   56 |     506 | jYs           |         95920 |         95920 |      58335.00 |         95920 |
|   57 |     521 | MTWHV         |         98193 |         98193 |      28175.00 |         98193 |
|   58 |     528 | zU            |         98193 |         98193 |      99337.00 |         98193 |
|   59 |     535 | q5pLE         |         95920 |         95920 |      75259.00 |         95920 |
61 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Count(*) returns 60 rows;

But select * returns 61 rows;

And we find that more than one row of columns with the same primary key (pkAttr0).

such as: pkAttr0 = 26

4. What is your TiDB version? (Required)

TiDB v8.5.1

mysql> select tidb_version();
| tidb_version()
| Release Version: v8.5.1
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: fea86c8e35ad4a86a5e1160701f99493c2ee547c
Git Branch: HEAD
UTC Build Time: 2025-01-16 07:38:34
GoVersion: go1.23.4
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: tikv |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


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