Bug Report
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- What did you do?
Because of refine gc strategy of pump #646
We can see that a formulaalertGCTS := gcTS + int64(storage.EncodeTSO(alertGCMS))
adds extra 20h to avoid the scenarios ofdisk space of the pump is full
andmuch impact on core system formation
But, the metric and error log aren't accurate and easy understand to user.
drainer's checkpoint is older than pump gc ts, some binlogs are purged
- What did you expect to see?
something likes this one
after 20h, drainer's checkpoint will be older than pump gc ts, some binlogs will be purged, please handle it manually based on gc ts as soon as possible
- What did you see instead?
drainer's checkpoint is older than pump gc ts, some binlogs are purged
and gcTs == alertGCTS -->
if drainer.MaxCommitTS < gcTS {
log.Error("drainer's checkpoint is older than pump gc ts, some binlogs are purged",
zap.String("drainer", drainer.NodeID),
zap.Int64("gc ts", gcTS),
zap.Int64("drainer checkpoint", drainer.MaxCommitTS),
// will add test when binlog have failpoint
- Please provide the relate downstream type and version of drainer.
(rundrainer -V
in terminal to get drainer's version)
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