❗ Important |
To add this plugin to Organizr, please add https://github.com/phyzical/Organizr-Plugins to the Plugins Marketplace within your Organizr instance. |
Go to the settings;
Set the docker proxy url if not the same as the default http://docker:2375
By default runs on cron once an hour, can be changed in settings
To run after installing simply click the new menu item
Configuration is just a matter of using the following labels:
Label | Description | Default | Required |
organizr.tab.enabled | The bare minimum to start creating a tab | false |
true |
organizr.tab.image | Image to use for tab | defaults to net.unraid.docker.icon otherwise null |
only if net.unraid.docker.icon isnt set |
organizr.tab.url | Url to use for tab | If domain is set defaults to https://{container_name}.{DOKMAIN} , otherwise null |
Only if domain isnt set |
organizr.tab.name | Name for the tab | {container_name} | false |
organizr.tab.local_url | defaults to http//{container_name}:{FIRST_EXPOSED_PORT} |
false | |
organizr.tab.group_id | Min ID of the user group to be added to | admin |
false |
options are admin co-admin super user power user user guest |
false | ||
organizr.tab.group_id_max | Max ID of the user group to be added to | admin |
false |
options are admin co-admin super user power user user guest |
false | ||
organizr.tab.default | If its a default | false |
false |
organizr.tab.type | The type of the tab, organizr, iframe or newWindow |
iframe |
false |
organizr.tab.order | Order of the tab | null |
false |
Assumes usage of the docker proxy server
TODO: Support docker socket bind?