Apache Accumulo Query application built in python.
Jangowave works with a variety of iterators. This project requires python iterators, which can be found in sharkbite
The demo, which can be created from two scripts, sets up the containers with a defined flow. Note that this is a base flow. It is expected that you can either deploy the NiFi container on your own or augment the flow defined in the jangowave_demo.xml template.
While this app has been tested with some additional query iterators on production environments, the repo doesn't contain these references yet. That code will be provided soon ( upon first release ).
There are some assumptions made currently. Namely that searches are synchronous. This will be changed very soon to facilitate asynchronous searches that use caching to speed up time to first result.
You can quickly and easily build a demo using the scripts provided. If you wish to set up the demo on a single node you can use fluo-uno
Run the build script in the root of Jangowave's source tree
OR the following commands:
docker-compose build --force-rm --no-cache && docker-compose up --detach
docker-compose run web migrate.py makemigrations
docker-compose run web migrate.py migrate
Once this completes you will see containers running for Apache NiFi, celery, redis, and django.
The setup.py script will set up NiFi and Djano with the appropriate data to begin the demo.
Note that the demo will not use provenance to track ingest. Instead, a flow will be setup in NiFi that receives data from your Jangowave app. Data will be ingested and queryable within a second.
setup.sh <accumulo instanceid> <zookeeperlist>
It is important that the zookeeper list be an accessible IP. For example, if you are hosting on fluo-uno you may want to set your fluo uno hostname to or an accessible adapter with an IP that will be accessible by the containers.
If you are running the demo app the graphs, up on ingest, take some time to populate. Background tasks
are launched in celery that auto-update the backing cache. As a result it may take a bit of time after
ingest to begin seeing metadata and metrics populated. Data that is ingested will be immediately queryable.