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Bind dynamic data to reusable HTML components.

Built on top of PHP.Gt/Dom, this project provides simple view templating and dynamic data binding.

Directly manipulating the DOM in your code can lead to tightly coupling the logic and view. Binding data using custom elements and data attributes leads to highly readable, maintainable view files that are loosely coupled to the application logic.

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Example usage: Bind dynamic data to a template element

Consider a page with an unordered list (<ul>). Within the list there should be a list item (<li>) for every element of an array of data.

In this example, we will simply use an array to contain the data, but the data can come from a data source such as a database, as long as it is iterable.

<!doctype html>
<h1>Shopping list</h1>

<shopping-list id="groceries"></shopping-list>

<p>The use of a custom element is more useful on more complex pages, but is shown above as an example.</p>

Custom element HTML (_component/shopping-list.html)

	<li data-template data-bind:text="title" data-bind:data-id="id">Item name</li>

PHP used to inject the list

require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Gt\DomTemplate\HTMLDocument;

$html = file_get_contents("example.html");
$document = new HTMLDocument($html, "./_component");

$data = [
	["id" => 1, "title" => "Tomatoes"],
	["id" => 2, "title" => "Noodles"],
	["id" => 3, "title" => "Cheese"],
	["id" => 4, "title" => "Broccoli"],

$outputTo = $document->getElementById("groceries");


<!doctype html>
<h1>Shopping list</h1>

<ul id="shopping-list">
	<li data-id="1">Tomatoes</li>
	<li data-id="2">Noodles</li>
	<li data-id="3">Cheese</li>
	<li data-id="4">Broccoli</li>

<p>The use of a custom element is more useful on more complex pages, but is shown above as an example.</p>

Features at a glance

  • HTML components - organise and reuse DOM trees by storing separate components in their own HTML files, and including them using custom HTML tags.
  • Binding of dynamic data - bind key value pairs, associative arrays, lists of associative arrays and even nested lists.
  • Use standards compliant techniques for templates and components.