#Collection (PHPExtra\Type\Collection)
Collection solve few things by implementing following interfaces: \Countable
, \ArrayAccess
, \Iterator
, and \SortableInterface
This gives you an ability to count()
collection, use a foreach
on it, access it like an array $a[1]
and sort its contents $a->sort($sorter)
Apart from regular collections there are also LazyCollection
's that allow you to specify a closure that will initialize collection
contents only if it's needed.
Create your first collection:
$collection = new Collection();
Use it:
echo count($collection); // returns 3
echo $collection[0]; // returns "item1"
echo $collection->slice(1, 2); // returns Collection with a length of 2 containing item2 and item3.
echo $collection->filter(function($element, $offset){ return $offset % 2 == 0; }); // returns sub-collection with all elements with even offset number
$collection->sort(SorterInterface $sorter); // sorts collection
Lazy collection example:
$lazy = new LazyCollection(function(){
return new Collection(array(1, 2, 3));
echo $lazy[2]; // initializes the closure and returns "3"
"require": {
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Jacek Kobus - <kobus.jacek@gmail.com>
See the file LICENSE.txt for copying permission.on.