- The project does the youtube clone using Reactjs, and pure CSS.
- Using Youtube Data API v3.
- Using Firebase Firestore to store comments locally, and Firebase Authentication to log in through Google.
- Fully responsive.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variable to your .env.local
To obtain it, follow the following official instructions from Youtube.
Clone project
git clone https://github.com/phongduybui/youtube-clone.git
Install dependencies with npm
cd youtube-clone
npm install
Using the API from Youtube Data API v3
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Previews video
- Watch video
- Post comment
- Responsive website on all devices
- Infinite scroll loading, skeleton,...
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at buiduyphong921@gmail.com
**Note: Darkmode is supported on all pages. Below are some demo website images.
Home - Light mode
Home - Dark mode
Search Results
Watch Video page
Mobile dark mode
Mobile light mode