Problem using "ledColor" and "VibrationPattern" #229
I have been successfully able to make push notifications work on my Nexus 5 Android M (6.0).
I am currently using "title", "message", "style" => picture, "picture" => url to image and "summaryText".
I wanted to use "ledColor" => [0,0,255,0] and "vibrationPattern" => [2000,1000,500,500] as stated in documentation, but nothing happens.
I tried to debug client-side ang get the following JSON on notification event:
{"summaryText":"custom text","picture":"http://mywebsite/myPicture.png","from":"XXXXXXX","style":"picture","vibrationPattern":[2000,1000,500,500],"ledColor":[0,0,255,0],"coldstart":false,"collapse_key":"1","foreground":false}
I am not the author of the Java code that sends the payload to GCM, but I have access to source code.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong ?