Combining div with ID containing '?' and phx-update="ignore" throughs Floki error #3144
- Phoenix LiveView version (mix deps): Introduced 20.0.7 -> 20.0.8
Actual behavior
Any div in combination with an ID containing '?' along with 'phx-update=ignore' will throw a Floki error, only when running tests
Throws error -> <div id="test?param=1" phx-update="ignore"></div>
Does not throw error -> <div id="test?param=1"></div>
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Floki.Selector.Parser.do_parse/2
The following arguments were given to Floki.Selector.Parser.do_parse/2:
# 1
[{:equal, 1}, {:identifier, 1, ~c"1"}]
# 2
%Floki.Selector{id: "test", type: "param", classes: [], attributes: [], namespace: nil, pseudo_classes: [], combinator: nil}
Attempted function clauses (showing 10 out of 21):
defp do_parse([], selector)
defp do_parse([{:close_parentesis, _} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{:comma, _} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{:identifier, _, namespace}, {:namespace_pipe, _} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{:identifier, _, type} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{~c"*", _} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{:hash, _, id} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{:class, _, class} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{~c"[", _} | t], selector)
defp do_parse([{:pseudo_not, _} | t], selector)
(11 clauses not shown)
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/selector/parser.ex:40: Floki.Selector.Parser.do_parse/2
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/selector/parser.ex:36: Floki.Selector.Parser.do_parse_all/2
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/finder.ex:21: Floki.Finder.find/2
(phoenix_live_view 0.20.11) lib/phoenix_live_view/test/dom.ex:572: Phoenix.LiveViewTest.DOM.by_id/2
(phoenix_live_view 0.20.11) lib/phoenix_live_view/test/dom.ex:447: Phoenix.LiveViewTest.DOM.apply_phx_update/4
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:6: anonymous fn/3 in Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/2
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:18: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/3
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:23: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/3
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:37: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/3
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:18: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/3
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:37: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/3
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:18: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/3
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:23: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/3
(floki 0.35.4) lib/floki/traversal.ex:6: Floki.Traversal.traverse_and_update/2
(phoenix_live_view 0.20.11) lib/phoenix_live_view/test/dom.ex:305: Phoenix.LiveViewTest.DOM.patch_id/4
(phoenix_live_view 0.20.11) lib/phoenix_live_view/test/client_proxy.ex:656: Phoenix.LiveViewTest.ClientProxy.patch_view/4
(phoenix_live_view 0.20.11) lib/phoenix_live_view/test/client_proxy.ex:156: Phoenix.LiveViewTest.ClientProxy.init/1
(stdlib 5.2) gen_server.erl:980: :gen_server.init_it/2
(stdlib 5.2) gen_server.erl:935: :gen_server.init_it/6
(stdlib 5.2) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Expected behavior
Believe this shouldn't occur as there's no HTML restrictions around '?' in div ids?
I was using this for ease of reference in testing to just assert that the src links were on the page as they should be.
No labels