Concurrent Binary Evaluator - a toolchain for simulating and bounded model checking of random memory access sequences by concurrent programs on a simple virtual machine.
ConcuBinE can be used to symbolically execute arbitrary programs either via simulation, or by solving the resulting bounded model checking problem using state-of-the-art SMT solvers and replaying them for comparison.
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simulate solve
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To build ConcuBinE from source you need:
- Make
- GCC >= 7
- Z3 (C++ API)
To run ConcuBinE, access to supported solvers' executables via $PATH
is required:
To build and setup these solvers you can use the scripts setup-{boolector,cvc4,z3}.sh
in the scripts directory and set-search-path.sh
for adding the required entries to your shells $PATH
git clone https://github.com/phlo/concubine.git
cd concubine
For a list of command line options, refer to concubine -h
ConcuBinE was developed in the course of a master thesis to evaluate the potential of different encodings for verifying concurrent software with respect to the memory ordering habits of modern hardware. See the thesis for further details.