This repository is a collection of portfolio projects from courses in my Computer Science Post-Bacc with Oregon State University. Consider it a learning repo: as I look back over these projects, there is very little code that I wouldn't now refactor into something more clean or robust if I were to redo it. Though at this point I'm more interested in pursuing fresh projects to learn new skills rather than revisiting all of my old assignments, this collection does offer a glimpse into the tools, languages, frameworks and concepts I have tackled during my program. I present it here as a reference for potential employers.
To connect with me please send an e-mail to phillitr@oregonstate.edu. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a wonderful day!
Trevor Phillips Computer Science Major at Oregon State University, Graduating Summer 2024
Folders are named by this convention: CourseTitle-ProjectName-Languages/Framework.
For example: OperatingSystems-SmallShell-C.
Algorithms: Maze Solver (Python)
- Algorithmically solves the minimum length path through a walled maze.
Architecture and Assembly: String Primitives and Macros (ASM)
- Reads user number strings and converts to float and integer values.
Capstone: Machine Learning Breakout (C#)
- A Unity clone of Atari Breakout with AI paddle competition.
- Paddles trained using Unity's Machine Learning Toolkit: ML-Agents.
- Playable here: https://simmer.io/@ramsaraj/ml-breakout-capstone
- Team: James Ramsaran, Trevor Phillips, Daniel Fontenot
Cloud Development: Course Management Tool (Flask/Python)
- Complete REST API for Course Management App.
- Auth0 JWT Authorization
- Google Cloud hosted: https://hw7-phillitr.wl.r.appspot.com/
Databases: Beer Bank (HTML/JS)
- User-friendly front end web app for managing the inventory of a Beer sales company.
- Back end CRUD operations and SQL queries supported by MySQL Database.
- Full ERD and Schema.
Data Structures: Hash Map (Python)
- Two implementations of a hash map: open addressing and separate chaining with quadratic probing.
- Implemented using a dynamic array and singly linked list.
Intro to Computer Science: Real Estate Game (Python)
- Simulation of a turn based real estate game.
- Implemented with OOP model.
Operating Systems: Small Shell (C)
- A command line interface in C.
- Support for background processes, special paramaters, redirection and signal handling.
- A client/server chat program capable of running an ascii connect-4 game
Software Development: Super Grouper (HTML/JS)
- A web app that takes a list of individuals and sorts them into various groupings.
Web Development: Exercise Tracker SPA (HTML/JS)
- A Single Page Application (SPA) that tracks exercises completed by a user.