- Clone the repo
- Confirm that you have heroku installed
cd hypeRPG
- Run
bundle install
. - Make sure you have postgres installed and running
- run
- Navigate to
cd into/root/dir/
git add --all
git commit -m "New stuff for the website"
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate
No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket"/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
- You need to start up postgresFATAL: database "hypeRPG_development" does not exist
- You need to create a database in your local postgres that matches this name:
psql postgres
Then in the postgres shell
create database hyperpg_development;
create user some_user password 'some_password';
grant all on database hypeRPG_development to some_user;
change some_password and some_user to whatever you want them to be
Team Members: Phillip Kuznetsov, Alex Chan, David Lin, Jaron Armiger
Demo Link: https://warm-harbor-2298.herokuapp.com/
Video Link: https://youtu.be/A7gOFDYtwfw
Idea: A click based RPG where you can fight enemies and get cool items.
has email, and many characters
belongs_to player
has name, health, hype, armor, speed, enemy flag, base health and damage, cash, and items
belongs_to character
has name,
Players can sign up and play as a Character
Characters can fight multiple enemies upon entering the depths of the cave. After defeating enemies, they can get money to buy more items.
Items make characters more beefy
Phillip: Made Home Controller, Player and Character Models
David and Alex: Made Cave controller, Enemy fighting
Jaron: Made Item Model, Shop Controller