Software Developer from Switzerland, interested in anything that involves tech, music or design.
- Switzerland
notion-to-md Public
Forked from souvikinator/notion-to-mdConvert notion pages, block and list of blocks to markdown (supports nesting and custom parsing)
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2023 -
plotty Public
A plotting and visualization tool for various mathemagical stuff.
parsy Public
A simple parser combinator library that works with Deno.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 6, 2023 -
neta Public
A lightweight JS framework powered by the prototype chain.
cheatsheets Public
Forked from rstacruz/cheatsheetsCheatsheets
SCSS MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2022 -
guess-the-output Public
Forked from thecodinglab/guess-the-outputKahoot-like guessing game for programming snippets created during a Hackathon
TypeScript UpdatedAug 14, 2021 -
configy Public archive
A simple to use 'vault' system to easily add remotely editable configurations to your node.js application
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 14, 2019 -