This project is about testing and exploring SwiftUI and Combine using Clean Architecture.
This project follows the architecture described by Alexey Naumov : Clean Architecture for SwiftUI
Clean Architecture is a popular architecture from Uncle Bob helping code to be
- More testable
- Independant from dependencies
This version of the clean architecture try to keep the SwiftUI engine (with the binding system). So the classic Presenter class is replaced by Binded View for the Presentation Layer. We also use the principle of View-State to define how will be displayed the view. View triggers (with user input or side effects) Interactor Interactor uses Workers, Repositories and updates ViewState ViewState updates (by binding) View
This project uses an open API
Our application contains 2 scenes.
The first scene is a list view with board games from networking request. Each cell displays name and thumbnail image of a board game.
The second scene is the detail of board game when clicking in a cell of first scene.
The chosen architecture permit to test easily the each layer.
To test our ViewState, test equality of State which is declared in Enum which could contain various type. To avoid boilerplate code by following protocol Equatable, we use Sourcery to generate equalilty operator.
I added fastlane to help us in Continuous Integration. We achieved this with environment files (of Ruby) and .xcconfig concept to handle our 3 virtual environments (development, staging, production).
Clean Architecture is a solid architecture to keep the code clean and testable. It is easy to get the idea of what to test in each layer.