Converter library for EN 16931:2017 invoices from UBL 2.1 to CII D16B
This version is based on the version of @VartikaG02: - it was extended by adding CII conformance to the EN. Additionally UBL Credit Notes are supported and a commandline client was added.
This is a Java 11+ library that converts a Universal Business Language (UBL) 2.1 into a Cross Industry Invoice (CII) D16B document following the rules of the European Norm (EN) 16931 that defines a common semantic data model for electronic invoices in Europe.
This is the counterpart to which can be used to convert CII D16B invoices to different UBL versions.
This library is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- v1.1.0 - 2025-02-22
- Added a simple command line client
- The created CII documents are now compliant to the EN 16931:2017 validation artefacts
- Added support to convert UBL 2.1 CreditNotes as well
- Initial fork from
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