- Pro
beam Public
Forked from laysakura/beamApache Beam is a unified programming model for Batch and Streaming data processing.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 3, 2023 -
cellbase Public
Forked from opencb/cellbaseHigh-Performance NoSQL database and RESTful web services to access to most relevant biological data
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 26, 2022 -
biodata Public
Forked from opencb/biodataJava library that models biological entities and their equivalents in different file formats typically used in bioinformatics
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 10, 2022 -
opencga Public
Forked from opencb/opencgaAn Open Computational Genomics Analysis platform for big data processing and analysis in genomics
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 31, 2022 -
rstudio-mofa2 Public
Base Rstudio docker container for Multi-Omics Factor Analysis V2 (MOFA+)
etcd Public
Forked from etcd-io/etcdDistributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 16, 2021 -
geometry-central Public
Forked from nmwsharp/geometry-centralApplied 3D geometry in C++, with a focus on surface meshes.
C++ MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2020 -
phamidko.github.io Public
Forked from daattali/beautiful-jekyll✨ Build a beautiful and simple website in literally minutes. Demo at https://beautifuljekyll.com
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 17, 2020 -
plmc Public
Forked from debbiemarkslab/plmcInference of couplings in proteins and RNAs from sequence variation
C MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
ann-benchmarks Public
Forked from erikbern/ann-benchmarksBenchmarks of approximate nearest neighbor libraries in Python
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
rnaseq Public
Forked from nf-core/rnaseqRNA sequencing analysis pipeline using STAR, HISAT2 and Salmon with gene counts and quality control
Nextflow MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2020 -
Wochenende Public
Forked from MHH-RCUG/WochenendeA whole Genome/Metagenome Sequencing Alignment Pipeline
Shell MIT License UpdatedApr 29, 2020 -
deeprank Public
Forked from DeepRank/deeprankDeep Learning for the ranking of protein-protein conformations
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 7, 2020 -
Hackathon Public
Forked from BIRSBiointegration/HackathonMulti-omics studies are available here
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 5, 2020 -
gnina Public
Forked from gnina/gninaA deep learning framework for molecular docking
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 28, 2020