This is the BlastViewer Tool. It aims at displaying in a graphical way results from the NCBI BLAST software.
Use a Java Virtual Machine 1.7 (or above) from Oracle.
Not tested with any other JVM providers but Oracle... so there is no guarantee that the software will work as expected if not using Oracle's JVM.
##Software use
See the Wiki page of this project.
##License and dependencies
BlastViewer itself is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.0. AGPL
It depends on several thrid-party libraries as stated in the NOTICE.txt file provided with this project.
##Once upon a time was: VisualBlast / KoriBlast
During Summer 2004 I was asking myself how easy it could be to rewrite in Java the original VisualBlast software written in C for the MS-Windows platform.
Actually, the answer was quite immediate: it took me a few days to fully rewrite Visual Blast, thanks to the many libraries available, mostly from Sun MicroSystems and the Apache Software Foundation.
So, during my holidays on Summer 2004, I started a wonderful story: the creation of what would eventually become the KoriBlast/ngKLAST suite of softwares, the founding software of my company, Korilog.
Korilog ceased its activities on June 2015, therefore I decided to release these UI components to the open source community... just in time for Christmas 2016! ;-)
-- (c) 2003-2016 - Patrick G. Durand