Release 1.2.1: More flexible Serialport, Fixed Picoscope's Rapid block more (multiple captures per run)
LatestRelease contains following bugfixes/new features:
- SerialPort module send() boundary fix
- SerialPort on Windows allows to set arbitrary baudrate (correct functionality, however, is not guaranteed and depends on the Win32 API/driver/UART converter/...)
- Picoscope's Rapid block mode fix (multiple "captures per run" feature)
Clean version contains only project binaries. Bundle version also contains necessary runtime libraries, e.g. Qt dll/so or MSVC 2017 Runtime Redistributable package.
Note, that some plug-in modules require third-party software installed to work properly (and even to be found by the application). These include Windows version of keysight3000 (which require VISA library implementation), ps6000 (which require PicoScope Drivers/SDK) or oclcpa (which require OpenCL GPU drivers).