This repository contain the code implementation for COM 3031 Computational Intelligence assignment. Using Pytorch for implementation of a deep neural network for image classification task on CIFAR-10 dataset and compare a result of a model trained on different types of optimizers that are
- Gradient based optimizaton (gradient descent)
- Metaheuristic optimization (GA, PSO and Memetic)
Metaheuristic optimizer was implemented using Deap library.
Grade: 93/100.
Report : Link to report folder
Wish Suharitdamrong
Taimoor Rizwan
Ionut Boston
There are two ways of installing package using conda
1.Create virtual conda environment from environment.yml
2.Use conda and pip to install a pakages
# Create virtual environment from .yml file
conda env create -f environment.yml
# activate virtual environment
conda activate ci
Use Anaconda virtual environment to install all dependencies
# create virtual environment
conda create -n ci
# activate virtual environment
conda activate ci
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirement.txt
├── ckpt # checkpoint of a pretrain model
│ └── CIFAR-10_GD_SGD.pth
python # Use gradient descent to train whole network
python # Use genetic algorithms to train whole network
python # Use particle swarm optimization to train whole network
python train_hybrid_*.py # All the fiels start with train_hybrid are two stage training
python # Train two stage with memetic algorithms
python # Train two stage with NSGA II algorithms
jupyter notebook plot.ipynb
Tensordboard --logdir=../CI_logs