kubectl credential plugin for shoot cluster admin authentication
A spiritual successor to the standardjs javascript style guide
Real-time messaging library for Go. The simplest way to add feature-rich and scalable WebSocket support to your application. The core of Centrifugo server.
Kubernetes Webhook Authenticator that allows for dynamic registration of OpenID Connect providers
Used for the webterminal feature of the gardener/dashboard
Command-line client for the Gardener with focus on operations
xrstf / gimps
Forked from incu6us/goimports-reviserEnsure your Go imports are sorted and grouped consistently
A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output
API to manage and control plane resources like machines, switches, operating system images, machine sizes, networks, IP addresses and more
A Vue 3 (and 2) reliable, simple and touch-ready panes splitter / resizer.
Implementation of the gardener-extension-controller for metal-stack
Useful tools and operations guide for gardener landscapes
Manages TLS certificates in Kubernetes clusters using custom resources
A curated list of awesome Go linters. More than 60 linters and tools!
Kubernetes extension for Visual Studio Code
Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
Triggers certificate management for Ingress resources across Kubernetes clusters
Review Access - kubectl plugin to show an access matrix for k8s server resources
Repo for the controller-runtime subproject of kubebuilder (sig-apimachinery)
Kubebuilder - SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs
The PrimeTime Apple TV app is a companion application to PrimeTime to easily onboard new screens and show content.
PrimeTime is a free digital signage solution originating from SAP. It helps you to easily manage contents for screens of all types - supporting many different formats, custom templates as well as p…
A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
Simple python tool to find exact file and folder duplicates on your computer and drives.
User documentation for Knative components.