Extension of matfuncutil for scattering matrices and other quantities.
Clone the repository and install with the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/petersbingham/tisutil.git
cd tisutil
python setup.py install
Author (these will have their own dependencies):
This package extends the containers in the matfuncutil for the various scattering representations and provides common units and conversions. The provided discrete scattering matrix containers are dSmat
, dKmat
, dTmat
, dQmat
, dXSmat
and dEPhaseMat
. Also provided are the scalar containers, dXSsca
and dEPhaseSca
. Functions of the form to_dSmat
etc are provided by the dSmat
, dKmat
, dTmat
etc. to allow easy conversions between the representations, as well as to_dXSsca
to calculate the total cross section.
A continuous container is also provided, cMatSympypolyk
, which extends matfuncutil.cMatSympypoly
by allowing energy parametrisation using the AsymCalc
Conversions, cross sections, eigenphase sums and the Q-matrix are calculated as:
A useful illustration of tisutil is given in the matfuncutil documentation. We provide an additional example here to illustate the conversion between the different scattering representations. This example plots the K-matrix and total cross section for the two channel radial well (see twochanradialwell).
import twochanradialwell as radwell
import channelutil as chanutil
asymcalc = chanutil.AsymCalc(chanutil.hartrees, thresholds=[0.,2.])
csmat = radwell.get_Smat_fun(1., 2., 2., asymcalc, 1.)
dsmat = csmat.discretise(1.0, 8.0, 200) # Create the discrete container.
dsmat2 = dsmat.to_dSmat() # This just returns a reference to itself.
dkmat = dsmat.to_dKmat()
dxsmat = dkmat.to_dXSmat() # or dsmat.to_dXSmat()
dtotxssca = dxsmat.to_dXSsca()