This repository contains JSON schema for encoding Observations & Measurements (O&M) in JSON.
Main observation schema: Observation
- Truth observation example
- Measurement observation example
- Timeseries observation example
- Geometry (polygon) observation example
- Geometry (linestring) observation example
- Specimen example
- Simple sample example
- Sample collection example
There is a validator here: This is an altered version of JSON Schema Lint that uses Tiny Validator v4 and has O&M examples loaded.
Other tools:
- Handy online validation of instances against schema: (although lacks good errors for linked schemas)
- Another online validator that is backed by Java; has slightly better error reporting:
- And another validator, also with better reporting:
- JSONLint
- Guide to authoring JSON schema:, specifically
There is a basic python validator in /tests that tests an instance against the specified schema. However, the various validators tend to handle specifics slightly differently. The best one so far seems to be
- Investigate more strict validation from the Python library.
- Timeseries support (i.e. timeseriesML) - in progress.