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Create Pull Request v7.0.0

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@peter-evans peter-evans released this 03 Sep 08:00
· 107 commits to main since this release

✨ Now supports commit signing with bot-generated tokens! See "What's new" below. ✍️🤖

Behaviour changes

  • Action input git-token has been renamed branch-token, to be more clear about its purpose. The branch-token is the token that the action will use to create and update the branch.
  • The action now handles requests that have been rate-limited by GitHub. Requests hitting a primary rate limit will retry twice, for a total of three attempts. Requests hitting a secondary rate limit will not be retried.
  • The pull-request-operation output now returns none when no operation was executed.
  • Removed deprecated output environment variable PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER. Please use the pull-request-number action output instead.

What's new

  • The action can now sign commits as github-actions[bot] when using GITHUB_TOKEN, or your own bot when using GitHub App tokens. See commit signing for details.
  • Action input draft now accepts a new value always-true. This will set the pull request to draft status when the pull request is updated, as well as on creation.
  • A new action input maintainer-can-modify indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request. The default is true, which retains the existing behaviour of the action.
  • A new output pull-request-commits-verified returns true or false, indicating whether GitHub considers the signature of the branch's commits to be verified.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v6.1.0...v7.0.0