Use in the Rails asset pipeline.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ngannotate-rails'
And then execute:
$ bundle
That's it! ngannotate-rails integrates seamlessly into the Rails asset pipeline; your JavaScript or CoffeeScript assets will automatically be run through the ng-annotate pre-minifier.
By default ng-annotate processing is disabled in development and test environments. Processing, however, can be enforced by specifying NG_FORCE=true option.
Options available as environment variables:
NG_REGEXP - regexp passed to ng-annoate
see ng-annotate documentation
NG_OPT - comma separate list of "opt=value" key pairs passed as options to ng-annotate
see ng-annotate documentation
NG_FORCE=true - force ng-annoate processing in development/test environment
# Test assets compile in rails development environment
# (assuming config/environments/development.rb is adjusted approriately)
NG_FORCE=true RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile
To allow testing precompiled assets locally in development environment.
# to allow testing assets:precompile in development environment
# Usage:
# time NG_FORCE=true RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile:primary
# NG_FORCE=true rails s -p 3001
if ENV['NG_FORCE'] == 'true'
config.assets.compress = true
config.assets.compile = false
config.assets.digest = true
config.assets.debug = false
precompile & start server
time NG_FORCE=true RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile:primary
NG_FORCE=true rails s -p 3001
The ngannotate-rails version number mirrors the version number for the version of ng-annotate that is bundled with it. For minor patch releases, when ng-annotate version is not changing, 4th digit is used (For example, ""). Every released version is tagged with tag "v[VERSION]".
Q: I installed ngannotate-rails, but my assets aren't getting processed with ng-annotate.
A: Remember to delete
all the related asset files so that the cached versions get regenerated. If you've precompiled your assets intopublic/assets
, you'll need to re-precompile them.
The actual ngannotate project is bundled into this gem via Browserify. You can update to the latest version of ng-annotate via Rake:
rake ngannotate:build
There is a Rails 3 application bundled in example/
that you can use to test the asset pipeline integration. Don't forget to remove tmp/cache/assets
after upgrading to the latest version of ng-annotate.
This gem is based into