Issue Summary
This is a request to implement direct video import into Pencil2D with support for formats like: AVI, MP4, MKV, OGV
Video import is a quality of life feature that can be used for reference (e.g self-shot video for acting analysis purposes) or rotoscopying actions (for further visual reference on this technique look for modern movies like "Waking Life" or "A Scanner Darkly").
This implementation could be done by converting the relevant video to an image sequence using FFMPEG and then importing it into a dedicated bitmap layer.
We could also consider creating a new type of layer (video layer) that would reference the video file externally instead of copying it inside the pencil2d compressed project folder, as the possibility of having bigger (and uncompressed) video files could lead to longer saving files and possible corruption of the PCLX data. This would also allow for a quicker cache / playback of the video inside Pencil2D, pretty much like your own video player inside but with the purpose describe above.