Created Date: 31 Oct 2018
So are you planning to do research in the text field but not sure about how to start?
Well, why not start with pre-processing of text as it is very important while doing research in text field and its easy! while cleaning the text helps you get quality output by removing all irrelevant text and getting the forms of the words etc.
In this article, we will be covering:
- Converting text to lowercase
- Contraction
- Sentence tokenize
- Word tokenize
- Spell Check
- Lemmatize
- Stemming
- Remove Tags
- Remove numbers
- Remove punctuation
- Remove stopwords
Let's START!
install Python
install NLTK
pip install autocorrect
Done with the installations? okay! let's start coding!
Converting text to lower case as in, converting "Hello" to "hello" or "HELLO" to "hello".
Contraction helps to expand the word form like "ain't": "am not". Contractions file has been created in my github which we will be importing to use it.
Tokenize sentences if the there are more than 1 sentence i.e breaking the sentences to list of sentence.
Tokenize words to get the tokens of the text i.e breaking the sentences into list of words.
correct the incorrect spelled words like "wrld" to "world"
lemmatize the text so as to get its root form eg: functions,funtionality as function
stemming is the process of reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their word stem, base or root form
Removing html tags from the text like "" using regex.
Removing numbers from the text like "1,2,3,4,5…" We usually remove numbers when we do text clustering or getting keyphrases as we numbers doesn't give much importance to get the main words. To remove numbers, you can use: .isnumeric() else .isdigit()
Removing punctuation from the text like ".?!" and also the symbols like "@#$" .
Remove irrelevant words using nltk stop words like "is,the,a" etc from the sentences as they don't carry any information.
You can test all those individually from the folder "individual_python_files"
else run directly is where the Preprocess class has been created for all the invidual task.