- Download
cd imgup
bundle install
- edit
- you'll need a Cloudflare images API token: https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens
- you can find the other settings in the Cloudflare images tab
- Save
ruby imgup
- visit
Make a little Sinatra environment where you can upload images to the Cloudflare image service and get back snippets for sharing, etc.
Why: Mostly because weblog.lol doesn't have image uploads yet and this seemed like a fun way to make quick image links in the absence of that functionality.
Longer-term: I don't like the way any services handle image sharing at the top so I'd like to make a one-stop "get things into Smugmug and make an Atom feed" tool.
Do OAUTH correctly.
- Get the Smugmug part done. Right now this only puts things in Cloudflare
- More secure config
- slugify all the uploads
- make uploads transient in memory instead of saving them