, extend-type
, reify
etc… But without the burden
of dealing with host platorm class differences.
In Clojure(Script), when fast polymorphic functions are needed, we are
typically using Protocols.
As an example, we will introduce a protocol for adding things together.
(defprotocol IPlus
(plus [x y] "add two things together"))
Then we extend this protocol to some types
(extend-protocol IPlus
(plus [x y] (into x y))
(plus [x y] (merge x y))
(plus [x y] (merge x y)))
If you are also targeting ClojureScript, you can use reader conditionals
(extend-protocol IPlus
#?(:clj clojure.lang.PersistentVector
:cljs cljs.core/PersistentVector)
(plus [x y] (into x y))
#?(:clj clojure.lang.IPersistentMap
:cljs cljs.core/PersistentArrayMap)
(plus [x y] (merge x y))
#?(:clj clojure.lang.ISeq
:cljs cljs.core/List)
(plus [x y] (concat x y)))
Those reader conditionals can become a bit noisy when this kind of code is strongly used in a project.
Let’s check that everything is working as intended
(is (plus [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
[1 2 3 4 5 6])
(is (plus {:a 1 :b 2} {:b 22 :c 3})
{:a 1 :b 22 :c 3})
(is (plus (list 1 2) (list 1 2))
(list 1 2 1 2))
It seems to work! But in fact, this is not so easy in ClojureScript:
(plus (range 4) (list 1 2))
;; this fails, complaining there is no implementation for cljs.core/Range
You may think that I should extend ISeq
instead of cljs.core/List
But it does not work, because ClojureScript does not have interfaces
like Clojure. To obtain the same thing that we have in Clojure, in
ClojureScript we have to write this:
(extend-protocol IPlus
(plus [x y] (into x y))
;; duplicated impls to cover all IMap
(plus [x y] (merge x y))
(plus [x y] (merge x y))
(plus [x y] (merge x y))
;; same here
(plus [x y] (concat x y))
(plus [x y] (concat x y))
;; ... many other duplicates for covering ISeq
;; complete list of classes actually is:
;; ArrayNodeSeq ChunkedCons ChunkedSeq Cons Cycle ES6IteratorSeq
;; EmptyList IndexedSeq Iterate KeySeq LazySeq List NodeSeq PersistentArrayMapSeq
;; PersistentQueue PersistentQueueSeq PersistentTreeMapSeq RSeq Range RangeChunk Repeat ValSeq
Obviously, this is not really what we want…
What the previous code is trying to do would be more apparent using something like this.(defg plus [x y] ;; defg stands for 'def generic'
:map (merge x y)
:vec (into x y)
:lst (concat x y))
We immediately spot the point here, not bothering with platform specific stuff.
So, as you see, the classes of the target platforms (and reader conditionals) have disappeared and the problematic expression works as intended.
(is (plus (range 4) (list 1 2))
(list 0 1 2 3 1 2))
If we need to extend an existing generic it can be done like this
(generic+ plus [x y]
:num (+ x y))
(is (plus 1 2) 3)
Of course this is a simple case. There is only one arity and no
destructuration patterns (all cases are sharing the same argument vector
pattern, this is not always what we want, sometimes one implementation
need its own destructuring pattern. We will address these considerations
at a later point. For now lets discuss those type-keywords that we are
using to indicate the type(s) that each implementation belongs to. (e.g:
It resides in the nemesis.types
(require '[nemesis.types :as t]
'[nemesis.state :as state])
The idea is really simple, there is one type-register per target
platform consisting of a map of type:
keyword -> set of keyword or class-symbol
from clojure you can inspect it like this:
;; clojure's type registry
;; primitives
:nil #{nil},
:num #{java.lang.Number},
:fun #{clojure.lang.Fn},
:lst #{clojure.lang.ISeq},
:vec #{clojure.lang.IPersistentVector},
:key #{clojure.lang.Keyword},
:sym #{clojure.lang.Symbol},
:str #{java.lang.String},
:link #{clojure.lang.MapEntry},
:set #{clojure.lang.IPersistentSet},
:map #{clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap},
;; aggregates
:line #{:lst :vec},
:word #{:key :sym :str},
:hash #{:set :map},
:atom #{:num :fun :key :sym :str :link},
:coll #{:lst :vec :set :map},
:prim #{:num :fun :lst :vec :key :sym :str :link :nil :set :map}}
To see the clojurescript type registry:
(state/targeting-cljs (t/get-reg))
'{:nil #{nil}
:num #{number},
:fun #{function},
:key #{Keyword},
:sym #{Symbol},
:str #{string},
:link #{MapEntry},
:set #{PersistentTreeSet PersistentHashSet},
:map #{ObjMap PersistentHashMap PersistentTreeMap PersistentArrayMap},
:vec #{MapEntry BlackNode Subvec RedNode PersistentVector},
:lst #{IndexedSeq LazySeq PersistentTreeMapSeq NodeSeq PersistentArrayMapSeq ES6IteratorSeq ChunkedSeq
Cons Iterate RSeq ArrayNodeSeq Cycle ChunkedCons ValSeq Repeat PersistentQueueSeq EmptyList
PersistentQueue Range KeySeq List},
:hash #{:set :map},
:coll #{:lst :vec :set :map},
:line #{:lst :vec},
:word #{:key :sym :str},
:atom #{:num :fun :key :sym :str :link},
:prim #{:num :fun :lst :vec :key :sym :str :link :nil :set :map}}
Those type registry are certainly not complete but I think that’s enough to see the point.
Along with the definitions of those registries, the glycogen.types
namespace is defining some handy functions and macros to play with types:
;; basic hierarchy informations
(t/childs :coll)
;; is getting all children of a type =>
(t/parents :fun)
;; is getting all parents of a type=>
'(:atom :prim)
(t/classes :coll)
;; is getting all classes the type is belonging to =>
;; set litterals can be used to denotes union types
(t/childs #{:lst :vec})
;; returns all children for types :lst and :vec =>
'(clojure.lang.ISeq clojure.lang.IPersistentVector)
(t/childof :vec :coll) ;=> :vec (indicating success)
(t/parentof #{:str :sym} :sym) ;=> #{:sym :str}
(t/parentof :word #{:str :sym}) ;=> :word
(t/parentof :word #{:str :vec}) ;=> false
;; isa
(t/isa :num 1) ;;=> 1
(t/isa :coll []) ;;=> []
;; glycogen.types/isa is a macro, the below call expands to a fast typecheck :
(clojure.core/seq? G__4117)
(clojure.core/vector? G__4117)
(clojure.core/set? G__4117)
(clojure.core/map? G__4117))
;; you can use set notation here to
(t/isa #{:sym :line} 'aze) ;=> 'aze
(t/isa #{:sym :line} (list 1 2 3))) ;=> '(1 2 3)
The nemesis.types
namespace is Clojure only, so you may wonder about
Clojurescript… in fact it is not intended to expose anything at
runtime in Clojurescript, it serves only at compile time when a macro is
expanded, depending on the targeted platform, the type registry of
Clojure or Clojurescript is used.
works we will return to our initial
purpose, which is to be able to define generic functions in a more
concise and powerful way.
Let’s recap the points in which protocols declarations and implementations could be improved:
- Be able to share implementations
- Support for variadic arity
- Avoiding to write reader conditionals
- Type less, grasp the intent faster
- Be able to clone an existing generic fonction
- Partial implementation
Let’s first import the library:
(ns nemesis.demo
(#?(:clj :require :cljs :require-macros)
[nemesis.core :as g]))
(g/defg fmap
"apply one or several function to something"
([this f])
([this f & fs]))
Here we are declaring a fmap
generic function with a docstring a fixed
arity and a variadic one.
(g/generic+ fmap
([x f] ;; arity 2
;; variadic arity
:vec (mapv f x)
;; set literal can be used to implement several types at once
#{:set :map} (into (empty x) (map f x))
;; the default case (if x does not implement fmap)
(f x))
([x f & fs] ;; variadic arity
;; we have only a default case here
(reduce fmap x (cons f fs))))
(g/defg fmap
"apply one or several function to something"
([x f]
:vec (mapv f x)
#{:set :map} (into (empty x) (map f x))
(f x))
([x f & fs]
(reduce fmap x (cons f fs))))
So in this exemple we have addressed several points
- variadic arity
- code deduplication
- hiding target platform details
Let’s try fmap
(is (fmap [1 2 3] inc)
[2 3 4])
(is (fmap {:a 1 :b 2} (comp vec reverse))
{1 :a, 2 :b})
;; variadic arity
(is (fmap [1 2 3] inc inc)
[3 4 5])
One other thing that is I think a little annoying in clojure is that each implementer have to define all arities of the implemented generic. with nemesis’s generics it is not mandatory, in the below exemple, the variadic arity has only a default case, it will be the implementation used for any type that implement only the arity 2 (in this case).
Let’s add an implementation of fmap
for lists.
(g/generic+ fmap [x f]
:lst (map f x))
(is (fmap (range 4) inc)
'(1 2 3 4))
In clojure we would have been forced to give implementation for every
arities of fmap
. Here it is not the case, we can verify it by trying
to use the variadic arity of =fmap=on a list.
(is (fmap (range 4) inc inc)
'(2 3 4 5))
We can even only overide the variadic arity if needed:
(g/generic+ fmap [x f & fs]
(do (println "smart variadic fmap")
(fmap x (apply comp (reverse (cons f fs))))))
(is (fmap (range 4) inc inc)
'(2 3 4 5)) ;; prints "smart variadic fmap"
and extend-protocol
, in clojure we have
related operations like extend-type
, defrecord
, reify
In clojure and clojurescript we have reify
that creates an anonymous
class that implements some protocols. Here we can do roughly the same
with nemesis.core/thing
(let [mything
;; we are creating an anonymous class that implement
;; the previously defined generics in a really dummy way
(g/thing (fmap [x f] [:fmaped x f])
(plus [x y] [:plused x y]))]
;; checks
(is (plus mything 1)
[:plused mything 1])
(is (fmap mything inc)
[:fmaped mything inc]))
(g/fork fmap ;; the generic that we are cloning/forking
tweaked-fmap ;; the name that will hold the copy
;; it takes the same body format as defg or generic+
;; here we are only overiding the arity 2 implementation for vectors
[x f]
:vec (do (println "tweaked fmap") (mapv f x)))
(tweaked-fmap [1 2 3] inc) ;; printing "tweaked fmap"
The tweaked-fmap
generic now exists on its own and is completly
hermetic to fmap
further changes/extensions.
and its name is
Here we are extending the type :num
to our previously defined generics
and fmap
(g/type+ :num
(fmap [x f] (println "fmaping num") (f x))
(plus [x y] (+ x y)))
(is (with-out-str
(is (fmap 1 inc)
"fmaping num\n")
(is (plus 1 2)
or defrecord
do it.
The deft
macro is similar to defrecord
but let you implement
We will define a :pair
type holding two fields car
and cdr
Along with defining a new record, the deft
macro defines some useful
functions to work with your type:
- a constructor function (here
) - a casting generic function (here
) that can be implemented by other types in order to cast into the defined type.
(g/deft :pair ;; the type tag
[car cdr] ;; the fields
;; generics implementations
;; note that the constructor function is available (pair)
(plus [_ y] (pair car (if cdr (plus cdr y) y)))
(fmap [_ f] (pair (f car) (when cdr (fmap cdr f)))))
(defn lst [& xs]
(reduce (fn [p x] (pair x p))
nil (reverse xs)))
(is (fmap (plus (lst 1 2 3) (lst 4 5 6))
(lst 2 3 4 5 6 7))
, the first implementation have priority on the laters.
(g/defg whoami [x]
:vec "I'm a vector"
:coll "I'm a collection")
(is (whoami [1 2])
"I'm a vector")
(is (whoami (list 1 2))
"I'm a collection")
To demonstrate this we will extend the ->pair
generic that convert
something to a pair (and has been automatically declared by the deft
exemple above).
(g/generic+ ->pair
([[car & cdr]]
:coll (pair car cdr))
:pair x
(pair x nil)))
(is (->pair [1 2 3])
(->pair (list 1 2 3))
(pair 1 (list 2 3)))
(is (->pair 1)
(pair 1 nil))
Let’s take a look at the macro expansion of defg
;; first are doing some var cleaning, if the defined
;; generic already exists we are removing related vars (a common case in dev)
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote plus))
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote p_plus_3))
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote Iplus_3))
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote p_plus_2))
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote Iplus_2)))
;; for each arity of the defined generic we are defining a protocol
;; the arity 3 is holding our variadic arity
(clojure.core/defprotocol nemesis.article/Iplus_3 (p_plus_3 [a_5712 a_5713 a_5714]))
(clojure.core/defprotocol nemesis.article/Iplus_2 (p_plus_2 [a_5715 a_5716])))
;; we are wrapping all this in a function that will be the user calling interface
;; the arity 2 is simply wrapping the arity 2 protocol
([a_5715 a_5716] (p_plus_2 a_5715 a_5716))
;; the variadic arity wraps the rest argument and uses the arity 3 protocol
([a_5712 a_5713 & a_5714] (p_plus_3 a_5712 a_5713 a_5714)))
;; for each implementation we are defining a var, it can serves several purposes,
;; one is to easily implement copying of generics across namespaces
;; one other is to be able to inline some implementations (in some compiler context, no-one wants to see those wierd names in code)
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote plus_2_IMPL_lst))
(clojure.core/defn plus_2_IMPL_lst ([x y] (concat x y))))
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote plus_2_IMPL_vec))
(clojure.core/defn plus_2_IMPL_vec ([x y] (into x y))))
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote plus_2_IMPL_map))
(clojure.core/defn plus_2_IMPL_map ([x y] (merge x y))))
;; note that a default case that throw a "missing implementation"
;; error is automatically defined when no default case in given by the user
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote plus_2_IMPL_any))
([x y]
"missing implementation for generic: "
(quote plus)
(quote [x y])
{(quote x) x, (quote y) y}))))
(clojure.core/ns-unmap (quote nemesis.article) (quote plus_3_IMPL_any))
(clojure.core/defn plus_3_IMPL_any ([x y ys] (reduce plus (plus x y) ys)))))
;; then we are actually extending defined protocols (in clojurescript extend-type is used)
(clojure.core/extend clojure.lang.ISeq nemesis.article/Iplus_2 {:p_plus_2 plus_2_IMPL_lst})
(clojure.core/extend clojure.lang.IPersistentVector nemesis.article/Iplus_2 {:p_plus_2 plus_2_IMPL_vec})
(clojure.core/extend clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap nemesis.article/Iplus_2 {:p_plus_2 plus_2_IMPL_map})
(clojure.core/extend clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap nemesis.article/Iplus_2 {:p_plus_2 plus_2_IMPL_map})
(clojure.core/extend Object nemesis.article/Iplus_2 {:p_plus_2 plus_2_IMPL_any})
(clojure.core/extend Object nemesis.article/Iplus_3 {:p_plus_3 plus_3_IMPL_any}))
;; finally we are returning the main function