(Read TEST)
"The Soamee Shop" is an online and sofisticated technology shop. Sofisticated because they just sell 8 smartphones.
This is part of the idea of creating a website with meaning, or some UX. It's used a JSON file (which I used to own) for doing this test.
Itself, it's meaningless. I mean, just info. So I had the idea of creating a small shop and not simply develope a website that renders a JSON file.
React/Redux, Hooks, Node, Express, Axios, Docker and Jest
As mentioned before, this website has been given the appearance of an online store. It is easy to use and intuitive. For this, a simple and clean interface has been developed. We do not want customers to run away from our website! Of course Soamee brand is present (#6c46a7, Lato and Poppins typos)
cd server/
npm i
npm start
cd client/
npm i
npm start
... and go to
Run tests:
npm test
docker-compose up
👩🏼💻 Paula Romero
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📩 pauromeropau@gmail.com
📍 Madrid, Spain