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CARTO Annual Conference

👉🏻 Demo


CARTO Annual Conference

We're preparing our annual conference. For this conference, we've decided to create a new landing page that will keep all the information of the event and past events.

Tech Stack

This landing page has been developed using Jekyll (Static Site Generator) and SCSS. Also Figma and Zeplin.


Principles of Software Engineering (KISS, DRY & SOLID) has been followed:
1. KISS - "Keep it simple, Stupid!"
2. DRY - "Don't Repeat Yourself"
3. SOLID - Easy to maintain and extend over time.


A mockup has been given as style guide.

Responsive/Mobile First

This landing page is also Responsive.


Some animations hover have been config.

Development Environment

  • To set up your environment to develop, run
bundle install
  • To test, run
bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --livereload

and open your browser at



If you want to build (./_site), run

jekyll build --watch

Add new content

How can non-technical people add new content to the site? Easy.
Front Matter. The front matter must be the first thing in the file and must take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Something like...

layout: home
title: Carto Annual Conference

you can use them wherever you want (e.g such as {{ page.title }}). That's what makes Jekyll so easy to maintain for non-technical people :)

You can also set more variables on the _config.yml file (e.g twitter username) and use them everywhere.

Live Demo



👩🏼‍💻 Paula Romero
👤 LinkedIn
📍 Madrid, Spain