Cuánto tiempo has empleado para el desarrollo del ejercicio (How much time have you spend for the development of the test) Free time on my weekend (maybe about 4 four in total)
Cuál ha sido la parte más dificultosa de lograr (What has been the most difficult part to achieve) Probably the most difficult part has been the small details.
Comentarios o consideraciones que deseas hacernos saber (Comments or considerations that you want to let us know) This project has been developed with modern technologies and following the Principles of Software Engineering (KISS, DRY & SOLID):
- KISS - "Keep it simple, Stupid!"
- DRY - "Don't Repeat Yourself"
- SOLID - Easy to maintain and extend over time.
- React
- Bootstrap
- Git/Github/Netlify
npm install
npm start
... and go to
👩🏼💻 Paula Romero
👤 LinkedIn
🎨 Behance
📩 pauromeropau@gmail.com
📍 Madrid, Spain