This library uses Python Poetry for builds, tests, and deployment. Once you've installed Poetry you can install this project's dependencies with this command:
poetry install
Assuming that you have set up your environment as described later in this document, you can test the application by running this command:
poetry run apcupsd_exporter --port=8000 --host=yourhost:3551
Still assuming that your environment is configured, an alternative way to run this is with Docker, like this:
docker build -t apcupsd_exporter .
docker run --rm apcupsd_exporter --port=8000 --host=yourhost:3551
The port on which to listen for Prometheus connections.
The host that you want to poll for apcupsd data. This should be in the form hostname:port
. The port will usually be 3551
The code for talking to the APC UPS has been lifted from so thanks to Ellis Percival.