merb_relaxdb is a merb plugin that provides integration with CouchDB via the RelaxDB gem. Version numbers indicate compatibility with Merb. Revision numbers are excluded e.g. merb_relaxdb 1.0 should be compatible with Merb 1.0.x
The current release includes integration with merb-auth, but this should not yet be considered stable. A sample integration file is included below.
merb_relaxdb expects your merb app to augment the standard layout as described in the following tree.
couchdb.yml is mandatory. Reference data, sample data and views are optional.
merb-gen model my_model will create a sample couchdb.yml.
To use merb_relaxdb, list dependency "merb_relaxdb", "1.0"
in config/dependencies.rb
and use_orm :relaxdb
in config/init.rb
For more details on using RelaxDB, see the RelaxDB wiki
my_merb_app $ tree . |— Rakefile |— app |— autotest |— config | |— couchdb.yml |— couchdb | |— data | | |— reference | | | `— reference_data.rb | | `— sample | | `— sample_data.rb | `— views | `— views.js |— lib |— log |— public |— scratch `— spec
Merb::Authentication.user_class = User
# Mixin the salted user mixin
require 'merb-auth-more/mixins/salted_user'
require 'merb_relaxdb/rdb_salted_user'
Merb::Authentication.user_class.class_eval{ include Merb::Authentication::Mixins::SaltedUser }
# Setup the session serialization
class Merb::Authentication
def fetch_user(session_user_id)
RelaxDB.load(session_user_id) rescue nil
def store_user(user)
user.nil? ? user : user._id
rescue => e
Merb.logger.error <<-TEXT
You need to setup some kind of user class with merb-auth.
Merb::Authentication.user_class = User
If you want to fully customize your authentication you should use merb-core directly.
See lib/authentication/setup.rb and strategies.rb to customize your setup