- autorandr
- git
- htop
- i3wm (i3-gaps)
- polybar
- python (virtualenv)
- ranger
- sublime text
- sway wm
- terminals:
- tmux
- neovim
- zsh
Generate a new key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
and add it here: https://github.com/settings/keys.
It is convenient to set the following in your ~/.ssh/config
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
# If you are on macOS
UseKeychain yes
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/patzm/dotfiles.git ~/repos/dotfiles
Run the OS-specific bootstrap script:
- Arch / Manjaro:
- macOS:
and then run the
command that got printed. - Ubuntu:
Then run the anisble playbook roles for localhost
ansible-playbook setup.yml --tags tag1,tag2 -i localhost, --connection=local
or remote host[s]
ansible-playbook setup.yml --tags tag1,tag2 -i 'host1,host2'
After the first run, switch your shell to zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Tags are used to select specific roles, parts of them, or groups of roles. The available tags are:
- browser: synchronizes Firefox user dictionaries and copies the default user configuration
- dotfiles: well, dotfiles
- packages: sets up the host operating system with the default packages
Install dotfiles
ansible-playbook --tags dotfiles,browser
Install all packages for the current OS, this requires root
ansible-playbook -K --tags packages
Run anything from above for remote host(s)
ansible-playbook <other-args> -i 'my-remote-machine,'
There are various ways to set the wallpaper.
The recommended way is to use nitrogen
to set the wallpaper.
This will also persist across sessions.
An alternative is to use hsetroot
Use arandr
as a convenient GUI front end for XRandR to configure your monitor(s).
Once you are happy, save the configuration with a human-readable name. E.g.
autorandr --save my-monitor-setup
By default, sway
, and in general Wayland desktop managers don't read files that were commonly used in XOrg to set environment variables.
For instance
To bring back this easy way of pre-configuring environment variables and optionally running some bash
commands before, we launch sway
through a bash
login session (using the -l
The sway
role will install a custom .bash_profile
which is configured to source the legacy profile configs.
To do so, replace the Exec
line in /usr/share/wayland-sessions/sway.desktop
Exec=bash -cl sway
Use wdisplays
as a convenient GUI front end to configure displays in Wayland compositors.
Configure your monitor layout until you are happy.
Save the configuration with a human-readable name. E.g.
outputs2kanshi --save my-monitor-setup
Note: the sway
role switched to GDM by default.
To get the current display manager, run
sudo systemctl status display-manager
To enable ligthdm
, run
sudo systemctl disable greetd # if greetd is the current active display manager
sudo systemctl enable lightdm
And make sure that /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
contains at least these lines
Remove all existing gnome*.desktop
, such that they don't appear in your display manager:
sudo rm /usr/shares/xsessions/gnome*.desktop
Also, fix the default Wayland session file to contain
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-shell --wayland
To get legacy tray icons / applets working again, e.g. for Nextcloud, install the Gnome extension AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support.
A GitHub Gist token and config file are required for the user dictionary sync to work.
Check python-gist
for the details.
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:${PATH}" # for Arm Macs
Some programs or terminals are configured to use fonts that can't be installed in an already packaged version.
Simply manually install them from the roles/fonts/files/meslo-nerd-font
sub-folder manually.
TL;DR: run
sudo chgrp -R admin $(brew --prefix)
sudo chmod -R g+rwX $(brew --prefix)
Disable external numpads triggering the Office key (emulated as Shift+Control+Alt+Windows
, source)
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-officeapp\Shell\Open\Command /t REG_SZ /d rundll32
Common name | Ansible name |
RedHat | RedHat |
Fedora | RedHat |
CentOS | RedHat |
Scientific | RedHat |
SLC | RedHat |
Ascendos | RedHat |
CloudLinux | RedHat |
PSBM | RedHat |
OracleLinux | RedHat |
OVS | RedHat |
OEL | RedHat |
Amazon | RedHat |
XenServer | RedHat |
Ubuntu | Debian |
Debian | Debian |
SLES | Suse |
SLED | Suse |
OpenSuSE | Suse |
SuSE | Suse |
Gentoo | Gentoo |
Archlinux | Archlinux |
Mandriva | Mandrake |
Mandrake | Mandrake |
Manjaro | Archlinux |
Solaris | Solaris |
Nexenta | Solaris |
OmniOS | Solaris |
OpenIndiana | Solaris |
SmartOS | Solaris |
Alpine | Alpine |
MacOSX | MacOSX |
FreeBSD | FreeBSD |