This is a simple repository to study "SLAM for dummies".
Check version 0.1 for: - Old obstacle avoidance version - Old Box2D simulation - With: - Bug - SUSNEA, MINZU, VASILU Proposal - Map generation with cellular automata method - And more basic stuff
- Create a map generator with cellular automata method.
- Create a vehicle than can run in the map and collide with it.
- Create a 'sonar like' sensor to the vehicle.
- Add some obstacle avoidance from Simple, Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Mobile Robots.
You'll need the last version of Qt to compile it.
$ git clone && cd SLAM_Qt
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ qmake ..
$ make
$ ./Simulator
SLAM for dummies appears to be Free, but I'm not sure.