In showing LiveOcean to the PSEMP Marine Mammal Work Group today, I noticed a minor typo in the text on the LiveOcean web pages that present the surface drifter (14 day) flowWeaver visualizations. I also thought the text could be improved by clarifying that the number of drifters modeled for any selected point: four (4).
Old text (with typo):
Touch, on the the map to see individual clusters of tracks. The lines show where surface drifters released near that point in the model travelled over the past two weeks. The lines grow thicker and redder over their distance/time.
Proposed new clarifying text, without the typo (i.e. removed the comma after the word "Touch"):
Select a point on the ocean in the map. The resulting tracks show where four (4) surface drifters released near that point travelled over the past two weeks. Each line grows thicker and redder over time, or correspondingly, with distance along the track from the release point.
Here are links to the two pages in question: Puget Sound region | Full model domain