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parkermac committed May 12, 2023
1 parent 93ca035 commit 478356d
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Showing 8 changed files with 3,582 additions and 6 deletions.
3,266 changes: 3,266 additions & 0 deletions dot_in/wgh1_t0_xn0/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions dot_in/wgh1_t0_xn0/forcing_list.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions dot_in/wgh1_t0_xn0/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
This creates and populates directories for ROMS runs on mox or similar.
Its main product is the .in file used for a ROMS run.
It is designed to work with the file, replacing things like
$whatever$ with meaningful values.
To test from ipython on mac:
run make_dot_in -g wgh0 -t t0 -x xn0 -r backfill -s continuation -d 2021.07.04 -bu 0 -np 64
If you call with -short_roms True it will create a .in that runs for a shorter time or
writes history files more frequently (exact behavior is in the code below). This can
be really useful for debugging.

# NOTE: we limit the imports to modules that exist in python3 on mox
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

pth = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.parent / 'lo_tools' / 'lo_tools'
if str(pth) not in sys.path:
import dot_in_argfun as dfun
import Lfun

dot_in_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent

Ldir = dfun.intro() # this handles all the argument passing

# check that the folder name matches the arguments (cludgey)
ppth = Path(__file__).absolute()
gridname_check, tag_check, ex_name_check = (str(ppth)).split('_')
if Ldir['gridname'] != gridname_check:
print('WARNING: gridname mismatch')
if Ldir['tag'] != tag_check:
print('WARNING: tag mismatch')
if Ldir['ex_name'] != ex_name_check:
print('WARNING: ex_name mismatch')

fdt = datetime.strptime(Ldir['date_string'], Lfun.ds_fmt)
fdt_yesterday = fdt - timedelta(days=1)

print(' --- making dot_in for ' + Ldir['date_string'])
# initialize dict to hold values that we will substitute into the dot_in file.
D = dict()

D['EX_NAME'] = Ldir['ex_name'].upper()


# which ROMS code to use
D['roms_name'] = 'LO_roms_source'

multi_core = True # use more than one core

if Ldir['run_type'] == 'backfill':
days_to_run = 1.0
elif Ldir['run_type'] == 'forecast':
days_to_run = float(Ldir['forecast_days'])

# time step in seconds (should fit evenly into 3600 sec)
if Ldir['blow_ups'] == 0:
dtsec = 20
elif Ldir['blow_ups'] == 1:
dtsec = 15
elif Ldir['blow_ups'] == 2:
dtsec = 10
elif Ldir['blow_ups'] == 3:
dtsec = 6
elif Ldir['blow_ups'] == 4:
dtsec = 4
elif Ldir['blow_ups'] == 5:
dtsec = 2
print('Unsupported number of blow ups: %d' % (Ldir['blow_ups']))

D['ndtfast'] = 20

his_interval = 3600 # seconds to define and write to history files
rst_interval = 1 # days between writing to the restart file (e.g. 5)

# Find which forcings to look for (search the csv file in this directory).
# We use the csv file because also uses it to copy forcing
# without extra stuff.
this_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent
with open(this_dir / 'forcing_list.csv', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
which_force, force_choice = line.strip().split(',')
D[which_force] = force_choice
# Note that the last of these will not be a force, but will
# instead encode the open boundaries, e.g.: D['open'] = 'NSW'

# populate open boundary choices
for O in list('NSEW'):
if O in list(D['open']):
D[O+'fs'] = 'Cha'
D[O+'2'] = 'Fla'
D[O+'3'] = 'RadNud'
D[O+'fs'] = 'Clo'
D[O+'2'] = 'Clo'
D[O+'3'] = 'Clo'


if multi_core:
if Ldir['np_num'] == 64: # for new mox nodes 2*32=64 2019_02
ntilei = '8' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '8' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 72:
ntilei = '6' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '12' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 112:
ntilei = '8' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '14' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 144:
ntilei = '8' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '18' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 196:
ntilei = '14' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '14' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 252:
ntilei = '14' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '18' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 392:
ntilei = '14' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '28' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 588:
ntilei = '21' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '28' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 400: # klone
ntilei = '20' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '20' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 200: # klone
ntilei = '10' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '20' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 40: # klone
ntilei = '5' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '8' # number of tiles in J-direction
elif Ldir['np_num'] == 4: # klone
ntilei = '2' # number of tiles in I-direction
ntilej = '2' # number of tiles in J-direction
print('Unsupported number of processors: %d' % (Ldir['np_num']))
ntilei = '1'
ntilej = '1'
D['ntilei'] = ntilei
D['ntilej'] = ntilej

# a string version of dtsec, for the .in file
if dtsec == int(dtsec):
dt = str(dtsec) + '.0d0'
dt = str(dtsec) + 'd0'
D['dt'] = dt

if Ldir['short_roms']:
print(' --- running short roms')
his_interval = 10 * dtsec
D['ntimes'] = int(his_interval/dtsec) # run for his_interval
D['ntimes'] = int(days_to_run*86400/dtsec)

D['ninfo'] = int(his_interval/dtsec) # how often to write info to the log file (# of time steps)
D['nhis'] = int(his_interval/dtsec) # how often to write to the history files
D['ndefhis'] = D['nhis'] # how often to create new history files
D['nrst'] = int(rst_interval*86400/dtsec)

# file location stuff
date_string_yesterday = fdt_yesterday.strftime(Lfun.ds_fmt)
D['dstart'] = int(Lfun.datetime_to_modtime(fdt) / 86400.)

# Paths to forcing various file locations
D['grid_dir'] = Ldir['grid']
force_dir = Ldir['LOo'] / 'forcing' / Ldir['gridname'] / ('f' + Ldir['date_string'])
D['force_dir'] = force_dir
D['roms_varinfo_dir'] = Ldir['parent'] / 'LO_roms_source_alt' / 'varinfo'

# get horizontal coordinate info
with open(Ldir['grid'] / 'XY_COORDINATE_INFO.csv','r') as xyf:
for line in xyf:
ltup = line.split(',')
D[ltup[0]] = int(ltup[1]) - 2

# get vertical coordinate info
with open(Ldir['grid'] / 'S_COORDINATE_INFO.csv','r') as sf:
for line in sf:
ltup = line.split(',')
if ltup[0] != 'ITEMS':
D[ltup[0]] = int(ltup[1])

# the output directory and the one from the day before
out_dir = Ldir['roms_out'] / Ldir['gtagex'] / ('f' + Ldir['date_string'])
D['out_dir'] = out_dir
out_dir_yesterday = Ldir['roms_out'] / Ldir['gtagex'] / ('f' + date_string_yesterday)
Lfun.make_dir(out_dir, clean=True) # make sure it exists and is empty

if Ldir['start_type'] == 'perfect':
nrrec = '-1' # '-1' for a perfect restart
ininame = '' # start from restart file
ini_fullname = out_dir_yesterday / ininame
elif Ldir['start_type'] == 'continuation':
nrrec = '0' # '0' for a history or ini file
ininame = '' # restart from a history file
ini_fullname = out_dir_yesterday / ininame
elif Ldir['start_type'] == 'new':
nrrec = '0' # '0' for a history or ini file
ininame = '' # start from ini file
ini_fullname = force_dir / D['ocn'] / ininame
D['nrrec'] = nrrec
D['ini_fullname'] = ini_fullname


## create ##########################
f = open(dot_in_dir / '','r')
f2 = open(out_dir / '','w')
for line in f:
for var in D.keys():
if '$'+var+'$' in line:
line2 = line.replace('$'+var+'$', str(D[var]))
line = line2 # needed because we loop over all "var" for line
line2 = line

# # create #######################
# f = open(dot_in_dir / '','r')
# bio_dot_in_name = ''
# f3 = open(out_dir / bio_dot_in_name,'w')
# for line in f:
# for var in D.keys():
# if '$'+var+'$' in line:
# line2 = line.replace('$'+var+'$', str(D[var]))
# line = line2
# else:
# line2 = line
# f3.write(line2)
# f.close()
# f3.close()
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions forcing/ocnN/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def get_bounds(x_big, y_big, x_small, y_small, pad=3):


if args.start_type == 'continuation':
if args.start_type in ['continuation','perfect']:
pad = 20
elif args.start_type == 'new':
pad = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,9 +117,13 @@ def get_bounds(x_big, y_big, x_small, y_small, pad=3):
vv[mm[tag]==1] = vtrim[mtrim[tag]==1][xyT[tag].query(xynew[tag], workers=-1)[1]]
# note that "workers" has replaced "n_jobs"
if vn == 'zeta':
# change sea level to match what was used in pgrid for z_offset.
z_offset = -1
vv = vv + z_offset
# enforce a minimum depth
zmask = vv+hh <= 0.3
vv[zmask] = -hh[zmask] + 0.3
min_depth = 0.3
zmask = vv+hh <= min_depth
vv[zmask] = -hh[zmask] + min_depth
data_dict[vn][:, :] = vv
elif dm == 3:
for nn in range(N):
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions forcing/ocnN/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,6 +127,17 @@ def print_info(fn):
# print info about the files to the screen
for fn in nc_list:
print_info(out_dir / fn)
# check on min depth
ds = xr.open_dataset(out_dir / '', decode_times=False)
dsg = xr.open_dataset(grid_fn)
zz = ds.zeta[0,:,:].values.squeeze()
hh = dsg.h.values
print('Minimum Depth = %0.2f m' % (np.nanmin(zz+hh)))
print('Min zeta = %0.2f m' % (np.nanmin(zz)))
print('Max zeta = %0.2f m' % (np.nanmax(zz)))
result_dict['result'] = 'success'
for fn in nc_list:
if (out_dir / fn).is_file():
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion lo_tools/lo_tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,11 @@ def add_map_field(ax, ds, vn, vlims_dict, slev=-1, cmap='rainbow', fac=1,
v = ds[vn][0, slev,:,:].values
v_scaled = fac*v

# account for WET_DRY
if (tag=='rho') and ('wetdry_mask_rho' in ds.data_vars):
mwd = ds.wetdry_mask_rho[0,:,:].values.squeeze()
v_scaled[mwd==0] = np.nan

# First see if they are already set. If so then we are done.
vlims = vlims_dict[vn]
Expand All @@ -166,7 +171,9 @@ def add_map_field(ax, ds, vn, vlims_dict, slev=-1, cmap='rainbow', fac=1,
# dicts have essentially global scope, so setting it here sets it everywhere

if do_mask_edges:
v_scaled = mask_edges(v_scaled, x, y)
v_scaled = mask_edges(v_scaled, x, y)

cs = ax.pcolormesh(px, py, v_scaled, vmin=vlims[0], vmax=vlims[1], cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha)
return cs
Expand Down
37 changes: 36 additions & 1 deletion pgrid/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
import gfun

# This is the name of the grid that you are working on.
gridname = 'wgh0'
gridname = 'wgh1'

# default s-coordinate info (could override below)
s_dict = {'THETA_S': 4, 'THETA_B': 2, 'TCLINE': 10, 'N': 30,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +186,41 @@ def make_initial_info(gridname=gridname):
if dch['use_z_offset']:
z = z + dch['z_offset']

elif gridname == 'wgh1':
# Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor nest
dch = gfun.default_choices()
aa = [-124.4,-123.7,46.35,47.1]
res = 200 # target resolution (m)
Lon_vec, Lat_vec = gfu.simple_grid(aa, res)
dch['t_list'] = [dch['t_dir'] / 'nw_pacific' / '']
dch['z_offset'] = -1
# The docs for nw_pacific say the vertical datum is "sea level" so to match
# this we would use z_offset = 0, but the intention here is to make the z=0
# level be higher up, so that we catch more of the intertidal when using
# WET_DRY. This must be matched by a similar intervention to zeta in ocnN.
dch['nudging_edges'] = ['north', 'south', 'west']
dch['nudging_days'] = (0.1, 1.0)

# by setting a small min_depth were are planning to use
# WET_DRY in ROMS, but maintaining positive depth
# for all water cells
dch['min_depth'] = 0.2 # meters (positive down)

# Make the rho grid.
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(Lon_vec, Lat_vec)
# initialize the bathymetry array
z = np.nan * lon
# add bathymetry automatically from files
for t_fn in dch['t_list']:
print('\nOPENING BATHY FILE: ' +
tlon_vec, tlat_vec, tz = gfu.load_bathy_nc(t_fn)
tlon, tlat = np.meshgrid(tlon_vec, tlat_vec)
z_part = zfun.interp2(lon, lat, tlon, tlat, tz)
# put good values of z_part in z
z[~np.isnan(z_part)] = z_part[~np.isnan(z_part)]
if dch['use_z_offset']:
z = z + dch['z_offset']

elif gridname == 'ae0':
# analytical model estuary
dch = gfun.default_choices()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pgrid/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
# bathymetry
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cs = ax.pcolormesh(plon, plat, zm, vmin=-20, vmax=0, cmap='Spectral_r')
cs = ax.pcolormesh(plon, plat, zm, vmin=-5, vmax=0, cmap='Spectral_r')
# cs = ax.pcolormesh(plon, plat, zm, vmin=-120, vmax=-100, cmap='Spectral_r')
fig.colorbar(cs, ax=ax)
if dch['analytical'] == True:
Expand Down

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