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pgrid initial development for LO
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parkermac committed Aug 22, 2021
1 parent f94f9ee commit 0047770
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Showing 5 changed files with 110 additions and 263 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions pgrid/
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# README for pgrid

### This collection of programs is designed to make gridfiles for ROMS. It works for analytical and realistic cases, and handles complex tasks like mask editing and smoothing. It also creates other files associated with rivers, nudging to climatology, and vertical grid parameters, all in the form expected by LO/forcing and ROMS.


First edit the gridname and (if needed) a few directory locations at the top of This gridname will then be used by all subsequent code.

In order to keep track of several choices typically made about a grid, we use "dch," a dict of "default choices":
dch = gfun.default_choices(Gr)
These are initialized in gfun.default_choices, but you typically override some of them in when doing the initial grid specification. The choices are saved in a pickle file:
pickle.dump(dch, open(Gr['gdir'] + 'choices.p', 'wb'))
You can also go back and change things in dch later using

Each time you run a piece of code it makes a new grid file with the name altered to indicate what happened. The names start as: with the letters and numbers indicating changes to: mask, river, smoothing, or extras.

You can use to look at any of the grids. You can override the default grid by calling it in ipython like:
- run -g 'sal0'

Suggested order to run the code, and which dch items are used at each step:

`` (can take awhile for big grids; be patient; e.g. 15 min for cas6)
- analytical
- t_dir/t_list
- use_z_offset/z_offset

- z_land
- unmask_coast
- remove_islands

`` (to get rid of obvious issues like Lake Washington and river channels)


`` (for real this time, perhaps running many times) NOTE: you can use an optional command line argument -d ## to change "dval" the carving depth used for lines or points from its default value of 5 m.

- use_min_depth/min_depth

`` (not needed?)

`` (not needed?)

- min_depth (enforced for whole grid)

`` (should be run on remote machine for large grids) (also saves S-coordinate info, so be careful what file you choose in the code)
- nudging_edges
- nudging_days
50 changes: 0 additions & 50 deletions pgrid/README.txt

This file was deleted.

79 changes: 27 additions & 52 deletions pgrid/
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Organizational functions for pgrid.

# **** USER EDIT ********
#gridname = 'aestus3'
gridname = 'cas6'
gridname = 'sal0'; base_gridname = 'cas6'; base_tag = 'v3'
# **** END USER EDIT ****

import os; import sys
import Lfun
Ldir = Lfun.Lstart()
from pathlib import Path
from lo_tools import Lfun

Ldir = Lfun.Lstart(gridname=base_gridname, tag=base_tag)

dir0 = Ldir['parent']
pgdir = dir0 + 'ptools_output/pgrid/'
def gstart():
This returns a dict of Path objects that tell where various things are,
or where they should go.
pgdir = Ldir['LOo'] / 'pgrid'
gdir = pgdir / gridname # where will end up
ri_dir = Ldir['LOo'] / 'pre' / 'river' / Ldir['gtag'] / 'tracks'
Gr ={'gridname': gridname,'pgdir': pgdir, 'gdir': gdir,'ri_dir': ri_dir}
return Gr

def default_choices(Gr, wet_dry=False):
# Default choices (can override in each case)
Expand All @@ -34,12 +38,13 @@ def default_choices(Gr, wet_dry=False):
dch['use_z_offset'] = True
dch['z_offset'] = -1.06
# specify topography files to use
dch['t_dir'] = Gr['dir0'] + 'ptools_data/topo/'
t_dir = Ldir['data'] / 'topo'
dch['t_dir'] = Ldir['data'] / 'topo'
# list of topo files: coarsest to finest
dch['t_list'] = ['srtm15/',
dch['t_list'] = [t_dir / 'srtm15' / '',
t_dir / 'cascadia' / '',
t_dir / 'psdem' / '',
t_dir / 'ttp_patch' / '']

# list of existing masks to work from
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,46 +72,16 @@ def default_choices(Gr, wet_dry=False):

return dch

def gstart(gridname=gridname):

if gridname in ['aestus1', 'aestus2']:
ri_dir = dir0 + 'ptools_output/river/analytical/'
ri_dir = dir0 + 'ptools_output/river/pnw_all_2016_07/'

gdir = pgdir + gridname + '/'
Gr ={'gridname': gridname, 'dir0': dir0, 'pgdir': pgdir, 'gdir': gdir,
'ri_dir': ri_dir}
return Gr

def select_file(Gr, using_old_grid=False):
def select_file(Gr):
# interactive selection
if using_old_grid==True:
fn_list = []
dir0 = Ldir['parent'] + 'LiveOcean_data/grids/'
gn_list = ['cascadia1', 'cascadia2']
for gn in gn_list:
fn_list.append(dir0 + gn + '/')
elif using_old_grid==False:
print('\n** %s in <<%s>> **\n' % ('Choose file to edit', Gr['gridname']))
fn_list_raw = os.listdir(Gr['gdir'])
fn_list = []
for item in fn_list_raw:
if item[-3:] == '.nc':
Nfn = len(fn_list)
fn_dict = dict(zip(range(Nfn), fn_list))
for nfn in range(Nfn):
print(str(nfn) + ': ' + fn_list[nfn])
my_nfn = int(input('-- Input number -- '))
fn = fn_dict[my_nfn]
fn = choose_item(Gr['gdir'], tag='.nc', itext='** Choose grid from list **')
return fn

def increment_filename(fn, tag='_m'):
fns = str(fn)
# create the new file name
gni = fn.find(tag)
new_num = ('00' + str(int(fn[gni+2: gni+4]) + 1))[-2:]
fn_new = fn.replace(fn[gni:gni+4], tag + new_num)

gni = fns.find(tag)
new_num = ('00' + str(int(fns[gni+2: gni+4]) + 1))[-2:]
fns_new = fns.replace(fns[gni:gni+4], tag + new_num)
fn_new = Path(fns_new)
return fn_new
69 changes: 11 additions & 58 deletions pgrid/
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Mar 29 15:55:45 2017
@author: PM5
Utility functions for pgrid.
import numpy as np
import zfun
import h5py
import matfun
import netCDF4 as nc
import xarray as xr
import seawater as sw

import os
import sys
pth = os.path.abspath('../../LiveOcean/alpha')
if pth not in sys.path:
import zrfun
import Lfun
from lo_tools import Lfun, zfun, zrfun

def simple_grid(aa, res):
dlat = aa[3] - aa[2]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,46 +59,18 @@ def stretched_grid(lon_list, x_res_list, lat_list, y_res_list):
return np.array(plon_list), np.array(plat_list)

def load_bathy_nc(t_fn):
ds = nc.Dataset(t_fn)
tlon_vec = ds['lon'][:]
tlat_vec = ds['lat'][:]
tz = ds['z'][:]
ds = xr.open_dataset(t_fn)
tlon_vec = ds['lon'].values
tlat_vec = ds['lat'].values
tz = ds['z'].values
return tlon_vec, tlat_vec, tz

def load_bathy(t_fn):
a = h5py.File(t_fn)
aa = dict()
print(' using h5py')
for item in a.keys():
aa[item] = a[item][:]
#print(' ' + item + ' ' + str(aa[item].shape))
# reshaping because of how things are packed
tlon_vec = a['lon'][:].flatten()
tlat_vec = a['lat'][:].flatten()
tz = a['z'][:].T
#tmask = a['mask'][:].T
# The field "mask" was created in the topo processing
# as a matrix of ints with 1=ocean, 0=land.
# We will supersede it here with our own masking.
# for some reason h5py does not work with, for example,
# psdem/PS_183m.mat
tmat = matfun.loadmat(t_fn)
print(' using matfun')
# reshaping because of how things are packed
tlon_vec = tmat['lon'][:].flatten()
tlat_vec = tmat['lat'][:].flatten()
tz = tmat['z'][:]
return tlon_vec, tlat_vec, tz

def load_bathy2(t_fn, lon_vec, lat_vec):
# load a section of the new NetCDF Smith-Sandwell bathy
ds = nc.Dataset(t_fn)
Lon = ds['lon'][:]
Lat = ds['lat'][:]
ds = xr.open_dataset(t_fn)
tlon_vec = ds['lon'].values
tlat_vec = ds['lat'].values
i0 = zfun.find_nearest_ind(Lon, lon_vec[0])
i1 = zfun.find_nearest_ind(Lon, lon_vec[-1])
j0 = zfun.find_nearest_ind(Lat, lat_vec[0])
Expand All @@ -125,14 +82,10 @@ def load_bathy2(t_fn, lon_vec, lat_vec):
return tlon_vec, tlat_vec, tz

def make_nc(out_fn, plon, plat, lon, lat, z, m, dch):
# get rid of old version
except OSError:
pass # assume error was because the file did not exist

# create new NetCDF file
foo = nc.Dataset(out_fn, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
foo = xr.Dataset(out_fn)

# create dimensions
M, L = lon.shape # use ROMS teminology
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