Initialize New Accounts with Nonce Equal to Block Number #326
There is a well known issue that Substrate accounts which are killed could have their txs replayed if the lifetime is infinite.
To help mitigate this, we want to initialize a user's nonce with the number of the current block.
This means that assuming that an account does on average less than one tx per block, that none of it's transactions could be replayed even if the account was killed.
This can also be used as a mechanism to determine how old an account is (relatively). For example, we could start a democracy vote where only users with nonce lower than the current block number could vote. This means that it would not be possible for someone to create a bunch of new accounts after the vote is announced to then influence the outcome.
It would of course be possible to create a bunch of sleeper accounts initialized with a low nonce, but such activity could be monitored and accounted for before the vote takes place. Anyway, this second half is just an idea...