Provide randomness from relay chain VRF output. Also clock from median algorithm #72
We expect that parachains might lack enough collators to produce secure randomness, even if they run sensible BABE configurations. If they run AURA with collective flip then their randomness could be significantly worse than their own blockhash. We should provide randomness from the relay chain VRF for use in parachains.
We need each parachain block to acknowledge some parent-like block on relay chain, yes? I suppose the watermark in XCMP gives one example, but way too loose for this use case. Our new A&V design has two relay chain blocks R_2 > R_1 associated to each a prachain block B_1, the second R_2 when B_1 actually runs may not yet exist when B_2 > B_1 gets created, but R_1 exists.
There is always some relay chain parent-like block so it's VRF would provide good randomness for the parachain.
Afiak, there is not much reason to work on this until A&V spec and implementation get more nailed down.