parentheses inference for Lisp
See the Parinfer Home Page for a complete exploration.
Parinfer is a proof-of-concept editor mode for Lisp programming languages. It simplifies the way we write Lisp by auto-adjusting parens when indentation changes and vice versa. The hope is to make basic Lisp-editing easier for newcomers and experts alike, while still allowing existing plugins like Paredit to satisfy the need for more advanced operations.
This project is split into two parts:
- Parinfer Lib - the editor-agnostic library
- Parinfer Site - the code for the website
See the Parinfer Demo Editor to try the latest version online.
Parinfer is still in early development. Several people have started integrating it into code editors at various stages of development.
- atom-parinfer for Atom
- nvim-parinfer.js for Neovim
- vim-parinfer for Vim
- vscode-parinfer for Visual Studio Code
- sublime-text-parinfer for Sublime Text
- parinfer-mode 1 or 2 for Emacs
- codemirror-parinfer for CodeMirror
- lt_parinfer for Light Table
- native support in Nightcode
Parinfer will soon be available for some REPL environments as well:
- Replete for iOS
- Dirac DevTools for Google Chrome
- Reepl for the browser
Let me know if you're working on a plugin, or check the lib readme for extra guidance. Thanks!