Color coded adb (Android Debug Bridge) logcat output with on-the-fly configurable filters for any part of the log entry. It's a terminal program, you shouldn't use your mouse ;).
- set and forget: automatically reconnects if a device is removed, no need to restart from the command line
- easy to pause the output (press Enter => you're in command mode, no messages displayed but buffered, press Enter again to exit and continue and flush the buffered messages)
- easy to enter a visual break (press Enter two times => a line is displayed in the terminal)
- easy to clear the screen (press Enter, then "c" then Enter)
- easy to log only some messages (press Enter, type "+WifiService" then Enter => only message containing "WifiService" will be displayed, repeat this to add even more messages)
- easy to exclude some message (press Enter, type "-dalvikvm" then Enter => no message containing "dalvikvm" displayed, repeat this to fine to the exclude filter)
- specify a package name on the command line (-p) to show only it's messages (more include and exclude entries can be added of course)
- profiles support (collection of include and exclude definitions, package/process name to filter messages)
For the base concept thanks to Jeff Sharkey and the ( ).
Choose a directory for the installation and clone the repo:
git clone
Switch to the repo:
cd adblogga
Create a symlink into your favorite directory in the path (eg ~/bin):
ln -s `pwd`/adblogga.php ~/bin/adblogga
Use it:
Start from the command line (remember, you have to start only once, it can be running for days/weeks, no restart required!):
# show messages from "com.example.application1" package/process, also load include&exclude filters from the profile "controls"
adblogga -pcom.example.application1 -Pcontrols
Optional command line switches:
Show message only for the given package/process:
# each syntax is the same
adblogga -pcom.example.application1
adblogga -p"com.example.application1"
adblogga -p=com.example.application1
adblogga -p="com.example.application1"
Load settings (include, exclude, package/process filter) from the given profile, changes are also saved to this profile:
adblogga -Pdefault
Add an include filter when starting:
adblogga -iimportant-message
adblogga -i"Important Message"
Add an exclude filter when starting:
adblogga -enever-show-this
adblogga -e"Never show this"
If string occours in any message, the screen is cleared. Usefull for catching application start to clear the screen.
adblogga -c"Starting com.example.application1"
- more command line parameters (--clear)
- include
- exclude
- clear
- +"string" - only include this message (can be specified multiple times)
- +*
- -* - instead use +something
- ! - show settings
- p"package" - show message from only process/package
- l"profile" - load settings from profile
- s"profile" - save current settings to profile
- terminator, small font, split window, one with all log entry, one with a profile
See & edit here: